Welcome to the reading list for your Holistic Assessment of Adults module
Essential Reading
Macleod's Clinical Examination by Douglas, G.; Nicol, F.; Robertson, C.2014 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Medicine category! This classic textbook sets out clearly and concisely how to evaluate symptoms and elicit relevant physical signs. It describes the practical skills which every clinician must acquire and develop in order to evolve diagnostic procedures and management strategies and plans. 'Highly Commended' in the 2006 and 2010 BMA Medical Book Competitions, this Thirteenth Edition contains over 500 clinical photographs and diagrams to illustrate the text, with new topics added to make the book even more comprehensive. This Thirteenth Edition has four sections: History taking and general examination. System examination covering symptoms and signs. Examination in special situations including babies & children and the critically ill. Assessing clinical examination technique. Included on the Student Consult site are the specially-recorded videos demonstrating many of the clinical examination routines described in the main text. The book starts with a general overview section on history taking and the general examination that provides the framework on which to hang the detail. The systematic examination section documents clearly the relevant history, examination and special investigations as well as giving advice on their significance. The third section covers examination in specific situations and emphasises an integrated and structured approach to these patients. A final section spells out how to demonstrate the techniques learned in the book in an OSCE. Macleod's is closely linked to its sister publication, Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine, which complements the information in this text. Available with full online access on Student Consult and ancillary videos demonstrating key clinical examination routines following the format laid out in the book. There are two new chapters on examination in specific situations: The frail elderly The febrile adult A new section explicitly spells out how to demonstrate the techniques learned in the book in an OSCE and other formative and summative examinations. Over 50 new text boxes highlight the evidence-base for the examination techniques discussed. An Advisory Board of students, junior doctors, and representatives from the nursing, ambulance, Primary Care and academic communities from six countries has made detailed comments and critically appraised the entire book. The text has been substantially rewritten with more on medically unexplained symptoms in the History Taking chapter and extended coverage of diabetes mellitus in the Endocrine System chapter. Integrated with the online text are clinical examination videos of trained professionals performing many of the examination routines described in the book with a new accompanying commentary by the Editor, Professor Colin Robertson Two new videos show how the Glasgow Coma Scale should be performed in clinical situations, demonstrating the correct techniques and also common pitfalls in using the GCS.
Assessment Made Incredibly Easy! by Lippincott Williams and WilkinsAssessment Made Incredibly Easy, 5e presents nursing assessment skills in the reader-friendly Incredibly Easy! format that makes learning fun. With an appealing 4-color interior and light-hearted humor throughout, the text provides the know-how nurses need to obtain pertinent health histories, perform physical examinations, and recognize normal and abnormal findings. Abundant full-color illustrations, charts, memory joggers, and other special features help nurses master assessment techniques and remember key information. The Practice Makes Perfect self-test includes updated NCLEX®-style questions with rationales for correct and incorrect answers. A companion Website offers ancillary materials, including an image bank, printable study cards, and numerous games newly added for this 5th edition.
Clinical Skills by Cox, N.; Roper, T.Clinical Skills: Oxford Core Text is a comprehensive, practical guide for medical students covering all aspects of history-taking, physical examination, and simple practical procedures - how to take a history, elicit and evaluate problems, the method of examining a patient, and how tointerpret the significance of findings. The book also includes guidance on basic data interpretation - how to carry out and interpret test results. Common difficulties are highlighted and solutions given with the aid of case histories and practical tips. Specially drawn colour illustrations and photographs demonstrate examination techniques and clinical diseases. The writing style is accessible and easy to follow - almost like a tutorialfrom an experienced doctor at the bedside. For advanced students there are summaries, useful lists and hints for finals, including a chapter covering the different formats they may encounter. As the foundations of clinical skills remain constant this book will remain an invaluable referencethroughout the working life of a doctor.
Call Number: 616.075 COX
ISBN: 9780192628749
Publication Date: 2005
Physical Examination Procedures for Advanced Practitioners and Non-Medical Prescribers by Rawles, Z.; Griffiths, B.; Alexander, T.Physical Examination Procedures for Advanced Practitioners and Non-Medical Prescribers provides readers with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct successful physical examinations of adult patients. This evidence-based book, organized by anatomical system, features tables that list physical examination procedures along with potential pathologies. Quick reference summaries for performing each examination are also included. In addition, the book features a chapter on mental health with a checklist covering the main criteria for a thorough mental health examination. Readers can test their skills by answering case study questions at the end of each chapter. Reflective stories are also included to demonstrate the difficulties encountered in everyday practice and to remind readers of the important professional and ethical issues surrounding their work. This book is designed as an aide-m¿ire for use in practice or revision for exams but can also be a useful resource for medical students, teachers of physical examination skills and other qualified health professionals.
Call Number: 616.075 RAW + eBook
ISBN: 9781482231809
Publication Date: 2015
Psychosocial Assessment in Mental Health by Trenoweth,S.; Moone, N.Psychosocial and holistic approaches to assessment have become a central feature of modern mental health care. This practical and comprehensive book guides students through the theory and practice of psychosocial assessments to help them integrate the data as preparation for the effective planning of treatment and interventions. Key features: step-by-step guide on how to undertake each stage of the assessment process in practice clinical staff and service users voices describing their experiences of the process end of chapter exercises reflections and considerations for practice This is essential reading for pre-registration nursing students and mental health professionals.