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University of Suffolk at West Suffolk College: Computers, Wifi & Printing


  Single Sided Double Sided
Black & White A4 5p 10p
Black & White A3 10p 20p
Colour A4 20p 40p
Colour A3 40p 80p

For other coping and more information please ask at the the Library Counter.

To print or copy from a computer do the following:

  1. Click print - a box will appear with various information. Depending on the type of document the preferences may automatically display
  2. Select  either Xerox B & W on XeroxPS or Xerox on XeroxPSColour (it will default automatically to Xerox B & W on XeroxPS)
  3. The printer will default to "double sided printing" so if you require "single sided" you must untick the "print on both sides" option
  4. Once you have sent your printing you will then need to release it from one of the printers in the library
    1. Press the green light to wake up the printer
    2. Press - Alternate login
    3. Enter the 6 numbers that are on the left hand side of your University of Suffolk card
    4. Press - Done
    5. Wait  until your name appears in the top right hand corner - your balance will also display here
    6. Choose your documents to print by pressing on them or select all
    7. Press print - your documents will then print out
    8. Press Exit
    9. Press logout and then logout again
  5. To copy at step 1 press "Copy"
  6. Place document to be copied on the glass or in the feeder
  7. Choose from the options available
  8. Press green button to copy
  9. Press Exit
  10. Press logout and then logout agin

When you enrol as a student at University of Suffolk you are credited with £10.00.

If you need to top this up you can do so at the library counter for any amount.

Should visitors wish to visit they will need to save their documents to a USB stick and then take to the library counter where staff will be happy to print of your documents and charge you the appropriate amount.

All images included in this guide are available through Creative Commons licensing CC-BY-2.0