The Practice of Social Research by Babbie, E. R.A straightforward, comprehensive, and approachable guide to research as practiced by social scientists, the Fourteenth Edition of this 'gold-standard' book gives readers the tools they need to apply research concepts practically, as both a researcher and a consumer. The author emphasizes the process by showing readers how to design and construct projects, introducing the various observation modes in use today, and answering critical questions about research methods-such as how to conduct online surveys and analyze both qualitative and quantitative data.
Social Research Methods by Bryman, A.This introduction to research methods provides students and researchers with unrivalled coverage of both quantitative and qualitative methods, making it invaluable for anyone embarking on social research. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, Social Research Methods, Fifth Edition, is packed full of engaging examples and practical tips to equip students with the tools and knowledge needed for them to complete their own research projects. In addition to providing practical advice, author Alan Bryman deftly explores the nature of social research and the wider issues impinging on it.
Doing Your Early Years Research Project by Roberts-Holmes, G.This bestselling guide to undertaking your Early Years research project takes the reader on a practical step-by-step journey. Breaking down each section into accessible and digestible topics, and accompanied by a multitude of practical examples, case studies, research summaries and key points, the author brings this process to life. The updated and revised fourth edition includes: Useful additional resources at the end of each chapter Extended material on the child's voice within research Signposted glossary terms throughout the text Updated website materials for further study From learning how to structure and organise your project, through to the final presentation and written report of your findings, this is the essential guide and companion for undergraduate and postgraduate students throughout their early childhood and social science courses. Guy Roberts-Holmes will be discussing key ideas in Doing Your Early Years Research Project, a SAGE Masterclass for early years students and practitioners in collaboration with Kathy Brodie. Find out more here.
Qualitative Research. 4th edn. by Silverman, D. (Editor)A who's who of methodologists, this book introduces students to the big picture of qualitative research, teaching both the 'why' and the 'how to' of getting started, selecting a method and conducting research and data analysis. With practical tips, summaries, exercises and further reading, each chapter is like a masterclass from a leading scholar in qualitative research. New to the fourth edition: A streamlined structure to guide readers step-by-step through the research process Substantial new section with 4 chapters on how to collect and analyse online data A new chapter on reflexive ethnography More hands-on advice on how to conduct research at every stage, making this a perfect field handbook Updated reading lists provide a go-to guide to the literature and help improve citations The most comprehensive qualitative research book available, this is the perfect all-in-one companion for any student embarking on a qualitative research course or project. Available with Perusall--an eBook that makes it easier to prepare for classPerusall is an award-winning eBook platform featuring social annotation tools that allow students and instructors to collaboratively mark up and discuss their SAGE textbook. Backed by research and supported by technological innovations developed at Harvard University, this process of learning through collaborative annotation keeps your students engaged and makes teaching easier and more effective. Learn more.