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Children's Health, Play and Wellbeing (ECC): Professional practice 2 (CPW205)

Essential Reading

Module Journals

You can use the A-Z eJournals search to check for the following publications:

  • Early Child Development and Care
  • Child Education
  • Children and Society
  • Child: Care, Health and Development
  • American Journal of Play
  • Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
  • Early Years 
  • International Journal of Early Years Education 
  • Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 


  • Communication Trust

  • LEGO foundation centre for creativity, play and learning.

Recommended Reading

Hellyn, L. and Bennett, S. (2019) The A-Z of the Curiosity Approach: a sumptuous recipe book of ideas for inspirational early years. The Curiosity Approach Ltd.

Further Reading