International Journal of Social Research Methodology
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
British Educational Research Journal
British Journal of the Sociology of Education
Cambridge Journal of Education
Journal of Mixed Methods Research
American Educational Research Journal
The Review of Educational Research
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
Children’s research centre The CRC is all about children by children. The primary objective is to empower children and young people as active researchers. The CRC recognises that children are experts on their own lives and they value the child's perspective and believe in promoting child voice by supporting children to carry out research on topics that are important to them. The CRC is based at the Open University in Milton Keynes and the website has links to numerous schools and community organisations nationally and internationally and exist to contribute to the body of knowledge on childhood and children's lived experiences.
Economic and Social Research Council The Research Methods Programme aimed to improve methodological quality by funding research that directly enhanced methodological knowledge and developed tools to enhance research quality. It also disseminated methodological developments and good practice through training courses, on-line resources, seminars and awareness-raising events.
British Educational Research Association BERA encompasses psychologists, sociologists, historians, and philosophers among the discipline-oriented members; a strong contingent of educationists with special interests in curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, or management; and those taking either a theoretical, or evaluative or action-research perspective on education. The BERA website offers conferences, events and publications, including ethical guidelines for conducting educational research, good practice guidelines in educational research writing and good conduct charters for educational researchers.
British Education Index The BEI supports the professional study of education by facilitating the identification and use of specific reading matter and event-related information. It is an independent subject and author index to the contents of significant education journals published in the UK as well as providing information from an increasingly diverse research environment, particularly addressing texts on the Internet and conference events.
Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education CUREE translates large-scale technical research findings and resources into materials that teachers and policy makers can use in their day to day work.
The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre The EPPI-Centre is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London. Since 1993, they have been at the forefront of carrying out systematic reviews and developing review methods in social science and public policy. EPPI-Centre are dedicated to making reliable research findings accessible to the people who need them, whether they are making policy, practice or personal decision