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Politics BA: Political Discourse


Welcome to your reading list for Political Discourse. Here you will find resources you will need to access for this module.

Recommended Reading

Weekly Reading Lists

Essential Reading

Chapter 1 'The Field of Discourse Analysis' (pp. 1-12)

Wodak, R. & Forchtner, B. (2018) 'Introducing the Language-Politics Nexus' (pp. 1-6)

Jessop, B. (2018) 'From Karl Marx to Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser' (pp. 30-42)

Further Reading

Chapter 4 'The Struggle over Political Language'

Howarth, D. (2000) 'Introduction: Defining the Concept of Discourse'

Forchtner, B. & Wodak, R. (2018) 'Critical Discourse Studies: A Critical Approach to the Study of Language and Communication (pp. 1-6)

Essential Reading

Chapter 1 'The Field of Discourse Analysis' (pp. 8-23)

Further Reading

'Ferdinand de Saussure: the Value of the Sign'

Chapter 1 'Saussure, Structuralism and Symbolic Systems'

Chapter 2 'Post-structuralism, Deconstruction and Textuality'

Chapter 4 'Genealogy, Power/Knowledge and Problematization'

Keiner, R. (2018) 'Michel Foucault: Discourse, Power/Knowledge and the Modern Subject'

Essential Reading

Chapter 2 ' Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Theory'

Further Reading

Chapter 6 'Laclau and Mouffe's Theory of Discourse'

Chapter 7 'Deploying Discourse Theory'

Howarth, D. (2005) 'Applying Discourse Theory: The Method of Articulation'

Laclau, E. (2005) ' Populism: What's in a Name?'

Kølvraa, C. (2018) 'The Discourse Theory of Ernesto Laclau'

Torfing, J. (2005). 'Discourse Theory: Achievements, Arguments and Challenges'

Essential Reading

Chapter 3 'Critical Discourse Analysis' 

Chapter 9 'A dialectical-relational approach to critical discourse analysis in social research'

Further Reading

Chapter 4 'Critical Analysis of Media Discourse'.

Chapter 6 'Critical Social Constructionist Research'.