Welcome to your IPL-The Service User reading list. Here you will find the resources to support you throughout your module.
Essential Reading
Palliative Care, Social Work and Service Users by Beresford, P. ; Adshead, L. ; Croft, S.This unique book provides a rare look at social work and palliative care from the perspective of service users. Drawing on new original research, the authors examine service users' experiences, tracking their journeys through it, exploring the care they receive and the effects of culture and difference through their first hand comments and ideas.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781843104650
Publication Date: 2007
Learning Human Skills by Burnard, P.In order to meet the needs of the client or patient, health care professionals must first understand themselves. The fourth edition of this popular book offers essential theory, reference to the research and a sequence of experiential and reflective learning activities to aid the development of self-awareness and interpersonal skills. It is easy to read and can be used at any stage of professional development.
Call Number: 302.2 BUR
ISBN: 0750652640
Publication Date: 2002
Experiencing Social Work by Doel, M. ; Best, L.In Experiencing Social Work: Learning from Service Users people tell their stories of positive social work and the difference it has made to their lives. The book was inspired by the knowledge of the many positive stories of social work practice and a belief that we can learn more from what goes right than what goes wrong. Follow these stories to understand good practice, reflect on the lessons learned, and to feel uplifted by social work's potential for positive change, support, and social justice. Each chapter is constructed around one or more case examples, emphasizing the importance of service users' own knowledge in developing our learning about good practice. Key Features Offers a wide range of service user groups, including people with mental health problems, disabilities, parenting difficulties, living in care, those experiencing loss, and other life transitions Presents editorial commentaries that unpack the core themes and issues from each practice example and open a dialogue to understand the experience and learn from it Provides a strong grounding in the ethical guidelines and skills-base required of all social work trainees and practitionersThis important book encourages readers to learn from examples of positive practice and underlines the significant role that social work plays in many people's lives. It is an essential text for all undergraduate social work students and will also be useful for qualified social workers, service users, and careers.
Call Number: 361.32 DOE + eBook
ISBN: 9781412910224
Publication Date: 2008
Experiences of Mental Health in-Patient Care by Kennard, D. (Editor) ; Grandison, S. (Editor) ; Fagin, L. (Editor) ; Hardcastle, M. (Editor)This book offers an insight into the experience of psychiatric in-patient care, from bothnbsp;a professional and a user perspective. The editors highlight the problems in creating therapeutic environments within settings which are often poorly resourced, crisis driven and risk aversive.
The contributors argue that for change to occur there needs first of all to be a genuine appreciation of the experiences of those involved in the unpredictable, anxiety-arousing and sometimes threatening environment of the psychiatric ward. Each chapter comprises a personal account of in-patient care by those in the front line: people who have been admitted to a psychiatric ward; their relatives; or those that provide the care. These accounts are followed by two commentaries written from different perspectives, suggesting lessons that can be learnt to improve the quality of care.
Call Number: 362.2 HAR + eBook
ISBN: 9780415410823
Publication Date: 2007
Further Reading
Nursing Practice and Health Care by Hinchliff, S. ; Norman, S. ; Schober, J.This fifth edition has been completely revised to reflect the current professional and educational requirements for those preparing for registration as a nurse, while maintaining a strong focus on practice and reflecting the needs of those requiring nursing and health care. Additionally, it uses thenbsp;2008 NMC Code as the cornerstone for many of its chapters.nbsp;
Building on the changes in the fourth edition, the requirements of pre-registration nursing programmes, the fitness for practice initiative and other developments in health policy within the four countries of the UK, thenbsp;book provides an invaluablenbsp;support for students as theynbsp;learn the skills in critical thinking that will enable the development of an accountable, professional practitioner.
Interprofessional working: an essential guide for health and social care professionals by Day, J.This new edition of Interprofessional Working: An Essential Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals provides the underpinning theoretical and practical knowledge all undergraduate nursing and healthcare students will need to learn how to successfully communicate and work effectively as part of an integrated, interprofessional team. As part of the topical Nursing and Health Care Practice series, this highly accessible text offers a host of practice based, real-life scenarios to show theory in practice along with a real -life case studies, boxed features and new activities to develop critical thinking and understanding.
Call Number: 610.696 DAY + eBooks
ISBN: 9781408074954
Publication Date: 2013
Living with Risk by Langan, J. ; Lindow, V.This topical report explores risk assessment and risk management for people being discharged from psychiatric hospital into the community. It breaks new ground by asking service users about their views on, and experiences of, posing a former or potential risk to other people. The report also includes information about the harm that service users experienced and explores the perspectives of mental health workers, relatives and friends about risks and their management. The report makes recommendations for improving policy and practice which will be valuable to service users, their relatives and friends, mental health workers, managers and those responsible for mental health policy development and training.
Specialist Communication Skills for Social Workers by Ross, J.W.This book gives students a solid understanding of the key issues involved in effective communication within social work settings. Now going into its second edition, it combines practical examples with a clear theoretical approach and demonstrates the subtleties of communication with specific and diverse service users and carers.
Call Number: 361.32 WOO
ISBN: 9781137545329
Publication Date: 2016
Caring for People with Learning Disabilities by Tait, T. ; Genders, N.Caring for People with Learning Disabilities is an introductory textbook for those new to learning disability care, and will assist anyone who is commencing a career in this field. This book teaches students the importance of caring for the physical and psychological needs of people with learning disabilities, and is written in an easy to understand style offering practical advice on developing caring skills and planning appropriate care.
Call Number: 362.3 TAI
ISBN: 0340807091
Publication Date: 2002
Understanding Social Work by Thompson, N.Focusing on the challenges of achieving good practice, Understanding Social Work reflects recent developments in social work within the context of contemporary society, law and policy. This popular text continues to offer an excellent foundation for readers for anyone wanting a better understanding of the social work role.
Call Number: 361.3 THO + eBook
ISBN: 9781137497093
Publication Date: 2015
Service User and Carer Participation in Social Work by Warren, J.This is the first text to examine the principal elements of service user involvement and participation across both adult and children′s services. A valuable learning resource, it draws together information from research, service users, carers and practitioners across both groups. In addition, it gives an overview of the specific knowledge, attitude and skills that social workers need for training at qualifying level and integrates theory with evidence to inform everyday social work practice. Furthermore, case studies and activities encourage reflection and the application of this knowledge to practice situations.
Call Number: 361.32 WAR + eBook
ISBN: 9781844450749
Publication Date: 2007
Mental Health, Service User Involvement and Recovery by Weinstein, J. (Editor)As the momentum for personalisation and recovery approaches grows, service users are increasingly participating as partners in all aspects of health and social care delivery, policy-making and professional training. This book provides an overview of service user involvement in mental health, its origins and current practice and policy.
Written cooperatively by service users and academics, this book conveys a vital connection between recovery and involvement, offering a framework of values and helpful strategies to promote meaningful user participation. By sharing their personal narratives and contributing their views, service user authors demonstrate how taking control of their own care facilitates a swifter and more satisfying recovery. The book further acknowledges the bilateral value of user involvement in the development of mental health services, student learning, collaborative research and challenging social stigma, providing examples and critical appraisal of how this is currently being implemented.
With a strong, positive emphasis on the benefits to all stakeholders, Service User Involvement and Recovery in Mental Health offers guidelines for good practice that will be relevant to health and social care practitioners, service users, students, researchers and educators.