If you're unable to find the article you're looking for, we can order articles for you using the resource request service. You should check the service details for your local University of Suffolk library.
University of Suffolk Ipswich students:
You can request to order an article by completing the correct form and returning a signed copy to the Information Desk at the library.
The number of article requests available to you depends on your level of study.
The following databases / journal collections will be useful for your area of study:
Anatomy TV is an interactive educational resource for understanding human anatomy. This resource provides a comprehensive view of all anatomical regions utilising a range of content including 3D models, video clips, slides, animations, and text. This resource is essential for individuals in health and health-adjacent disciplines, including the clinical specialty of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene.
The content of this resource is not searchable in Discovery.
Access to this resource is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
The British Nursing Database serves as an essential resource for healthcare professionals, specifically nurses and midwives, working within the United Kingdom. This comprehensive database offers full-text articles and abstracts directly applicable to the daily practice, continuing education, and research endeavours of healthcare professionals.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
An update to the EBSCO user interface is due to take effect during January 2025. This will change how the search pages look and function.
More information about the changes is available here.
If you have any questions about this please contact us at learningservices@uos.ac.uk
CINAHL Ultimate is a full-text database for nursing and allied health research. It offers full-text access to the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index. Providing 1,781 active full-text journals, CINAHL Ultimate covers over 50 nursing specialties, and features full-text quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, and nursing instructional videos. The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library is owned by Cochrane and published by Wiley. The databases provided are:
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), the leading resource for systematic reviews in health care;
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), a highly concentrated source of reports of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials. In addition to bibliographic details (author, title, source, year, etc) CENTRAL records often include an abstract (a summary of the article). Note they do not contain the full text of the article;
Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide a readable, clinically-focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane Reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform point-of-care decision-making. This content is free to access on the open web and is not searchable in Discovery.
Proquest Family Health database includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry. It includes important general medical journals such as The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine as well as a strong selection of consumer and news magazines
ProQuest Health and Medical Complete provides access to journals that cover all major clinical and healthcare disciplines, including medical sciences, immunology, pharmacy and pharmacology, nursing, physical fitness, hygiene, surgery, etc. In addition, the database includes charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements of use to medical research.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
Healthcare Administration Database is aimed at researchers studying the field of health administration. It features access to scholarly journals, videos, newspapers, magazines, blogs, reports, guidelines and thousands of dissertations and theses.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
Medline contains more than 29 million references to journal articles related to medicine, nursing and sciences, and useful for researchers, clinicians, and students in the medical field. A distinctive feature of MEDLINE is that the records are indexed with NLM Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Coverage from 1950 until present day.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
Nursing & Allied Health Database provides users with reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health professions, alternative and complementary medicine, and much more. This versatile database is designed to meet the needs of nursing and allied health programs at academic institutions. The collection provides thousands of journal titles in full-text, plus dissertations and other grey literature representing rigorous scholarship in nursing and related fields.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
PubMed Central is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
The content of this collection is not searchable in Discovery.
This is an open access resource, so access is freely available without need and account/login details.
ScienceDirect provides access to a large collection of scientific research articles, journals, books, and other academic content across various disciplines. It covers subjects ranging from physical and life sciences to social sciences and humanities. You can search for and access articles, read abstracts, download full-text papers, and explore references. Please note that, if you are doing a systematic literature search, the search functionality in this database does not currently allow for the level of search that you will need. It is suitable for more general background searching or where you do not need to take a systematic search approach.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
ProQuest Education Journals gives users access to over 900 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. The coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education.
a portfolio of over 280 journals full -text management journals published from 1994 onwards. Titles include International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research; International Journal of Event and Festival Management; Tourism Review
ProQuest Central can be used to search across a number of ProQuest databases at once. If you want to access more subject-specific content, it is suggested that you navigate to one of the subject databases provided by ProQuest.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
The Psychology Database combines full-text content from leading psychology and psychosomatic publications. The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk.
Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.
RCNi is associated with the Royal College of Nursing publishing nursing journals on various aspects of nursing practice, education and research including titles such as Nursing Standard. You can also sign up for a free account to access additional CPD content and search nursing vacancies.
The content of this collection is searchable in Discovery.
Access to this collection is provided by the University of Suffolk. Users may be redirected to the standard UoS authentication screen after clicking the above link; please enter your S number (e.g., S123456) and password.