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Essential Reading
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Students by Sturgeon, D.This book provides a highly accessible introduction to anatomy and physiology. Written for students studying the subject for the first time, it covers the human body from the atomic and cellular levels through to all the major systems and includes chapters on blood, immunity and homeostasis. Logically presented, the chapters build on each other and are designed to develop the reader's knowledge and understanding of the human body. By the end of each chapter, the reader will understand and be able to explain how the structures and systems described are organised and contribute to the maintenance of health. Describing how illness and disease undermine the body's ability to maintain homeostasis, this text helps readers to predict and account for the consequences when this occurs. Complete with self-test questions, full colour illustrations and a comprehensive glossary, this book is an essential read for all nursing and healthcare students in both further and higher education.
Anatomy and Physiology Workbook for Paramedics by Anderson, P. D.The Anatomy and Physiology Workbook for Paramedics is a valuable resource for all those taking an undergraduate human anatomy and physiology class, as well as those healthcare professionals wanting to brush up on their existing knowledge. The workbook includes colouring and labelling activities along with self-assessment tests for virtually every structure of the human body studied as part of the Paramedic Science degree programme and other healthcare science courses, providing an interactive, engaging approach to assessment and learning. Using a systems-based structure, the Anatomy and Physiology Workbook for Paramedics complements leading texts in the ?eld, and chapters are concise, enabling learners to master smaller sections of information in a cohesive manner. The workbook offers paramedic students a better understanding of anatomy and physiology with the view that this will help inform their practice as healthcare professionals and provide the best quality of care for their patients.
Call Number: 612.0076 AND
ISBN: 9781284183009
Publication Date: 2019
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology by Marieb, E.N. ; Keller, S.M.With the 12th Edition of Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, science educator Suzanne Keller joins bestselling author Elaine Marieb in helping learners focus on the essential What, How, & Why of A&P, without getting sidetracked in unnecessary details.
Thoroughly updated with dozens of new figures, photos, and current information on medical recommendations and terminology, the 12th Edition continues to set the standard for brief, accessible one-semester A&P texts. The authors' hallmark clear and friendly writing style has been strengthened with familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues that help students learn and remember concepts. Continuing to offer just the right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage, engaging new chapter previews help learners hone in on what structures and functions they are studying, how they function, and why they are important to learn
Call Number: 612 MAR + eBook
ISBN: 9781292216119
Publication Date: 2018
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology by Peate, I. (Editor) ; Nair, M. (Editor)Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and Healthcare Students is a succinct but complete overview of the structure and function of the human body, with clinical applications throughout. Designed specifically for nursing and healthcare students, the new edition of this best-selling textbook provides a user-friendly, straightforward, jargon-free introduction to the subject. Key features: Clinical considerations and scenarios throughout showing how the material can be applied to daily practice Featuring over 300 superb full colour illustrations Now includes a boxed feature throughout on medicines management; providing information concerning a variety of medicines used in the care and management of people that are related to the body system of the chapter The 'Conditions' feature within each chapter provides you with a list of disorders that are associated with the topics discussed, helping relate theory to practice Each chapter includes learning outcomes, test your knowledge, scenarios, activities and summaries. Includes a list of prefixes and suffixes, as well as normal values, and a glossary of terms Supported by enhanced online resources with fantastic extras for both lecturers and students, including an image bank, online glossary, flashcards, interactive multiple choice questions, examples of patient notes, and more This edition is now supported by an accompanying study guide to facilitate the learning and revision of the content within this book: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Workbook: A Study Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Students.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781119063728
Publication Date: 2016
Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Professionals by Jouria, J. J.Anatomy and Physiology is effectively a broad introductory course that requires the student to devote an enormous amount of effort to understand it on even a basic level. While this necessitates time, it can be streamlined in the early stages of one's learning so that the student may understand why he or she is required to invest such a large amount of time into learning - Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is the textbook that accomplishes this. Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is a book that combines both areas of knowledge for a full comprehension of the human body. It is targeted to healthcare students in need of a better understanding of human physiology to combine with their clinical training. The main objective of this book is to elucidate the organization and functioning of the major organs and systems with an emphasis on the applications of this knowledge on the daily clinical routine. One of the main differences of this textbook that sets it apart from others is that it not only provides the information: it also contextualizes it. Every chapter starts introducing a case study that is related to the content that is going to be approached. At the end of the chapter, there is the conclusion of each case study, which presents the final diagnosis showing every step of the process. This context is essential so that, when the student faces this situation in the real-life clinic he or she will be able to deal with it efficiently. Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology also has sections of questions to practice the knowledge that was obtained during the chapter, and the answers to each question are explained so no doubts remain after studying. All of this means that Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy & Physiology is a fully rounded book that combines information and practical applications, as well as questions that help the student to understand and retain all the information in a very efficient and effective way. This book has all the information you need to get started on your journey to learning about the human body.
Call Number: 612.0078 JOU
ISBN: 9781627346474
Publication Date: 2018
Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomy and Physiology Made Easy: a Concise Learning Guide to Master the Fundamentals by Vaughn, P.Master the Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology with This Concise Learning Guide This book adopts a layered approach to learning anatomy and physiology. It begins with an introduction to anatomical terms of location and orientation, before looking at the basic structural and functional unit of the life: the cell. In the fourth section, the structural organization of the human body and essential medical terminology are covered. This will equip you with the fundamental knowledge you need to embark upon your voyage around the human body. What follows is a thematic presentation of the essential body systems of the human body and their structural and functional significance. Covered in the Anatomy and Physiology Made Easy guide are the following areas: - Anatomic Terms of the Human Body - Cells, DNA and Tissues - Structural Organization and Essential Medical Terminology - Musculoskeletal System - Neurosensory System and the Sense Organs - Integumentary System - Endocrine System - Cardiovascular System - Hematologic System - Lymphatic System and Immunity - Respiratory System - Gastrointestinal System - Urinary System - Reproductive System - Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance - Nutrition and Metabolism Kickstart Your Anatomy & Physiology Mastery Now!
Call Number: 612 VAU
ISBN: 9781534635319
Publication Date: 2016
The Human Body Book by Parker, S.An all-in-one visual guide to human anatomy with encyclopedic coverage from bones and muscles to systems and processes. This in-depth manual to the human body's physical structure, chemical workings, and potential problems is a must-have reference to help further your studies or knowledge of how our bodies work.
Each page of The Human Body Book, updated to reflect the latest medical information, is illustrated with colourful and comprehensive diagrams, which are thoroughly annotated to take you right into the cells and fibres that are responsible for keeping the human body ticking.
The opening chapter, Integrated Body, explains how the parts of the body work together at various levels of size and hierarchy to produce the living whole. It also contains an overview of the major body systems, enlivened by real-life 3D medical scans of the entire body. The chapters that follow provide coverage of the body function by function, system by system. Eleven main body systems are covered in turn, with each section ending on common injuries, diseases, and disorders afflicting that system. The book concludes with a chapter on Growth and Development which looks in detail at how the body changes over the course of a human lifespan.