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Professional Studies Reading and Resources List (West Suffolk College): Managing for Innovation and Change

Essential Reading

Subject Guide

This link will take you to your subject guide

Book Catalogue

This link takes you to the Catalogue for books in the West Suffolk College Library

Recommended Reading

Further Reading

Further Reading

CIPD – Available from Module leader

CIM Exchange – Available from Module leader

Harvard Business Review – Available via A-Z list of online journals

Journal of Business Venturing – Available via A-Z list of online journals

Journal of Business Venturing – Available via A-Z list of online journals

Journal of Organizational Change Management – Available via A-Z list of online journals

Leadership & Organization Development Journal - v

Strategic Management Journal - Available via A-Z list of online journals

McKinsey & Company


CIM Exchange

Export Britain

GOV.UK Daily Digest Bulletin

Innovate UK

Wharton – University of Pennsylvania

This is an e-book by Storey and Salaman (2005) Managers of Innovation: Insights into Making Innovation Happen, London, Blackwell Publishing

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Marc Prime
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