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Open Access & OARS: Deposit Licence

What is a deposit licence?

University of Suffolk supports the long-term preservation of, and free access to, research outputs produced by all of its employees. This is achieved through the deposit of scholarly and research outputs into our institutional repository, OARS, which is managed by Learning Services.

When you deposit your work into the repository, you should do so in agreement with the institutional deposit licence, which gives University of Suffolk the permission to store, copy and manipulate the material in order to ensure that it can be preserved and made available in the future. This is a non-exclusive licence, and as such does not prevent you from publishing the material in other versions elsewhere. 

The licence also ensures that you have the right to deposit the materials to OARS, i.e. that you are the sole contributor or worked as part of a collaboration to produce the work.

Terms of the Deposit licence

1. Covered Work

  1. 1.1. I, the Depositor, would like to deposit my Work in the University of Suffolk Institutional Repository (Open Access Repository Suffolk (OARS).
  2. 1.2. The term “Work” used in this deposit licence agreement means the particular item(s) or material(s) which I choose to deposit in OARS, including abstract, text, images, audio and related data.

2. Depositor's declaration

I grant a non-exclusive licence to University of Suffolk (“the Institution”) to present the work in OARS, and I warrant that:

  1. 2.1. I am the sole author of, and sole owner of the copyright in, the whole Work (including content & layout), or am duly authorised by the author(s) and owner(s) (including any co-authors and co-owners) to make this agreement;
  2. 2.2. The Work is not and shall be in no way a violation or infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent, or other rights whatsoever of any third party, nor does it contain defamatory material or false or misleading research results;
  3. 2.3. If the Work has been commissioned, sponsored or supported by any organisation, I have fulfilled all of the obligations required by such contract(s) or agreement(s);
  4. 2.4. I have read and understand the copyright guidelines for authors depositing work in OARS available from the Licensing and Copyright section of the OA guide.

3. Rights granted to the Institution

The Institution (acting through OARS) may:

  1. 3.1. distribute copies of the Work (including the abstract) worldwide, in electronic format via any medium in perpetuity for the purpose of free access without charge (except for associated media costs);
  2. 3.2. electronically store, migrate, or copy the Work to ensure its future preservation and accessibility, unless and until notified by the Depositor that specific restrictions apply;
  3. 3.3. incorporate metadata (description data about the item) or documentation into public access catalogues for the Work. A metadata citation to the Work will always remain visible;
  4. 3.4. make PhD theses available via the British Library’s Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) and similar theses services.
  5. The above rights are subject to any restriction agreed with a third party which still exists on publication of the Work and which I have expressly notified to OARS at the time of deposit.

Additionally, the Institution shall:

  1. 3.5. have the right to remove the Work from OARS for professional or administrative reasons, or if it is found to violate the copyright or any other legal rights of a third party. A metadata citation to the Work will remain;
  2. 3.6. not be under any obligation to take legal action on behalf of the Depositor or other rights holders in the event of breach of intellectual property rights or any other right in the material deposited;
  3. 3.7. not be under any obligation to reproduce, transmit, broadcast, or display the Work in the same format or software as that in which it was originally created.

4. Other Provision

  1. 4.1. While every care will be taken to preserve the physical integrity of the Work, the Institution shall incur no liability, either expressed or implicit, for the Work or for the loss of or damage to any of the Work or associated data.