When intending to publish your research there can be a number of costs involved. The main open access publishing cost would be in the form of article processing charges (APCs). An APC is a fee paid to the publisher to make an article freely available online. This is called Gold Open Access. An APC covers the costs of peer review administration and management, professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, and dissemination of published papers. APCs are set by publishers, and can range from £400 to £3500 per article
If you wish to publish through the Gold Open Access Route, you will need to secure funding for the APCs. The most common routes to funding are as follows:
Transformative agreements (TAs), also known as ‘transitional’, or ‘read and publish agreements’ are:
Potential access to funds for open access publication (to cover the cost of some APCs) for those corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Suffolk* Who wish to publish in an eligible journal
*Affiliated would usually mean authors who are currently employed staff, or currently enrolled students of the university
APCS covered for Open Select Hybrid journals
APCs covered for OUP Hybrid and Fully OA journals
APCs covered for Hybrid and Fully OA journals
APCs covered for Sage Hybrid. 20% discount for Fully OA journals
APCs covered for Springer Hybrid journals
APCs covered for Core Hybrid, Cell Press and the Lancet titles. 15% APC discount for fully OA titles.
Please contact Library and Learning Services in the first instance, who will check eligibility, and will establish related costs (if any)
Next (as a general rule) you would need to:
Further information
For further information please contact David Upson-dale Research Repository & OA Compliance Manager
Some publishers offer agreements which differ slightly from standard transformative agreements, but may offer institutional authors certain benefits. Our current agreements are listed below:
20% discount on APCs for institutional authors when publishing in MDPI journals*
*It is the author's responsibility to source funding for the remaining 80%