Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action 4th edn (Print copy) by Tim BondGet 24 months FREE access to an interactive eBook* when you buy the paperback! (Print paperback version only, ISBN9781473913974) To find out more visit: Textbook with free access to counselling videos and other digital resources! The fourth edition of this classic text includes FREE access to an interactive eBook edition, which gives you on-the-go access to a wealth of digital resources supporting the print edition. It includes: #65533; 16 counselling scenario videos #65533; 16 author discussion videos #65533; an interactive glossary #65533; journal articles #65533; interactive multiple choice questions #65533; live links to useful websites, including ethical codes and frameworks relevant to the UK and internationally. The 16 counselling scenario videos illustrate key ethical topics, issues and dilemmas arising in counselling practice, including: contracting, confidentiality, working with a client with suicidal intent, counselling in a digital age, counsellor self-care - and much more. In the 16 author discussion videos, leading expert Tim Bond gives his reflections on each counselling scenario, to support you in your ethical practice. Other updates to the new edition include three new chapters on Working with Social Diversity, Counselling in a Digital Age and Being Accountable: Evidence-based Practice and Monitoring and new content on reflective practice to encourage ethical mindfulness. This is the ultimate guide to standards and ethics in the psychological therapies and a must read for all trainees and practitioners. Tim Bond is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Bristol and Visiting Professor to the University of Malta. We are putting the finishing touches on all of the carefully crafted tools and resources that will soon be available to you on the interactive ebook. Please check back soon to see what the interactive ebook has to offer! *interactivity only available through Vitalsource eBook 9781473913974
Call Number: 361.06 BON
ISBN: 9781446273937
Publication Date: 2015
Confidentiality and Record Keeping in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Print copy) by Barbara Mitchels; Tim BondThis indispensible text is your students' first point of reference when faced with a situation or dilemma of a legal nature regarding record keeping or confidentiality issues. Reflecting changes in policy and law and developments in practice since its last publication in 2008, this new edition has been expanded into 14 new and thoroughly revised chapters. New content includes: - The latest Data Protection Act guidance including data protection implications when working with technology and for online therapy - Greater content on sharing information, including sharing information in supervision, training, research, audit and, crucially, across professions - Expanded content on mental capacity with separate chapters for children and vulnerable adults - A new chapter on pre-trial therapy with adults and children, including Special Measures, Crown Prosecution Service guidance and victim support - A new chapter on practice dilemmas, providing advice and encouraging further discussion and reflection - The role of supervision and of the supervisor Using reflective questions, sample dilemmas and case scenarios throughout, the authors illustrate how to practically address the difficult confidentiality and record keeping issues that therapists regularly face. Current legal guidelines and frameworks are interspersed throughout the book which, along with revised disclosure checklists and links to useful organisations and contacts, ensure trainee and practising therapists are well versed in current best-practice.
Call Number: 361.323 BON
ISBN: 1446274527
Publication Date: 2014
Critical Thinking in Counselling and Psychotherapy. (Print copy) by Colin FelthamCritical Thinking in Counselling and Psychotherapy examines the critical debates around key topics in counselling and psychotherapy. In nine sections including Everyday Counselling Practice, Training and Curriculum Issues, and Counselling, Society and Culture, Colin Feltham explores and cross-references 60 provocative questions central to counselling training and practice. Ranging from more mainstream subjects like unconditional positive regard, ethics and supervision to broader social or philosophical issues such as employment concerns and the debate on assisted suicide, entries include:Why have we focused on core theoretical models? What are the pros and cons of short-term, time-limited counselling?What's wrong with CBT?Where is research taking us?Is statutory regulation a good and inevitable development?Are there limits to personal change in counselling?Each section includes questions for reflection, case studies and student exercises. This comprehensive, student-friendly text is a useful resource for lecturers to stimulate seminar discussion, and for all trainees wishing to write essays or generally develop their critical thinking in counselling and psychotherapy.
Call Number: 361.323 FEL
ISBN: 9781848600195
Publication Date: 2010-07-14
Professional Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Print copy) by Peter JenkinsDeveloping and maintaining a secure framework for professional practice is a core part of any counselling and psychotherapy training, as all therapists need to understand the key values, ethics and laws that underpin the profession today. But what does being a member of a "profession" actually mean, and what does being a "professional" actually involve? Structured around the BACP Core Curriculum, and with the help of exercises, case studies and tips for further reading, Professional Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy covers everything from the requirements of the BACP Ethical Framework to broader perspectives on good professional practice. The book includes: Practicing as a therapist in different roles and organizational contexts Working with key issues, including difference, vulnerable clients and risk Understanding the law and relevant legal frameworks for practice Working ethically, including contrasting models and approaches to ethics
Call Number: 361.06 JEN
ISBN: 9781446296646
Publication Date: 2017-06-22
Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Print copy) by Andrew ReevesThe wide-ranging contexts in which counselling and psychotherapy is now practiced means clients present with a range of risks that therapists have to respond to. Risk is an ever-present issue for counsellors and psychotherapists and, in an increasingly litigious culture, the need for trainees to develop a sound understanding of how the right tools and the right knowledge can support their practice has never been greater. In this book Andrew Reeves takes trainees, newly qualified practitioners, and more experienced practitioners step-by-step through what is meant by risk, offering practical hints and tips and links to policy and research to inform good ethical practice along the way. This book tackles: * The definition of risk and how risk is linked to social, psychological and relational factors * Working with those who are at risk of suicide, self-injury, self-harm and/or are an endangerment to others * How therapists should respond to the risk in situations involving child protection, mental health crises, and in the therapeutic process itself * The positive side of risk-taking * How counsellors and psychotherapists can work with risk proactively and positively, informed by research. Filled with case studies, ethical dilemmas, reflective questions, discussion questions and further reading, this book offers counsellors and psychotherapists guidance on how they can work with risk proactively and positively. It is an essential resource for all services, organisations and individual practitioners.
Call Number: 361.323 REE
ISBN: 9781446272916
Publication Date: 2015-02-05
Recommended Reading
Pink Therapy (Print copy) by Dominic Davies; Charles Neal (Editor)A comprehensive British volume on lesbian and gay affirmative psychotherapy has been a while coming. Pink Therapy, however, has arrived, amply fills this gap, and is well worth the wait. The literature reviews are masterful for scholars, and the book offers a comprehensive, thoughtful approach for clinicians. A deft editorial hand is evident in the unusual consistency across chapters, the uniformly crisp, helpful chapter summaries, and the practical appendices, generous resources lists and well organized bibliographies. I particularly like the contributors subtle appreciation of theoretical nuance, genuine open-mindedness to diversity of ideas, and willingness to synthesize in a pragmatic and client-oriented manner. John C. Gonsiorek, PhD., Minneapolis, MN USA; Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology; Past President, Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues (Division 44 of the American Psychological Association). Pink Therapy is the first British guide for counsellors and therapists working with people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual. It provides a much needed overview of lesbian, gay and bisexual psychology, and examines some of the differences between lesbians, gays and bisexuals, and heterosexuals. Pink Therapy proposes a model of gay affirmative therapy, which challenges the prevailing pathologizing models. It will help to provide answers to pressing questions such as: *what is different about lesbian, gay and bisexual psychologies? *how can I improve my work with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients? *what are the key clinical issues that this work raises? The contributors draw on their wide range of practical experience to provide - in an accessible style - information about the contemporary experience of living as a lesbian, gay or bisexual person, and to explore some of the common difficulties. Pink Therapy will be important reading for students and practitioners of counselling and psychotherapy, and will also be of value to anyone involved in helping people with a lesbian, gay or bisexual orientation.
Call Number: 361.323008664 DAV
ISBN: 9780335191451
Publication Date: 1996
Pink Therapy: a guide for counsellors and therapists working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients. (ONLINE) by Dominic Davies; Charles Neal (Editor)A comprehensive British volume on lesbian and gay affirmative psychotherapy has been a while coming. Pink Therapy, however, has arrived, amply fills this gap, and is well worth the wait. The literature reviews are masterful for scholars, and the book offers a comprehensive, thoughtful approach for clinicians. A deft editorial hand is evident in the unusual consistency across chapters, the uniformly crisp, helpful chapter summaries, and the practical appendices, generous resources lists and well organized bibliographies. I particularly like the contributors subtle appreciation of theoretical nuance, genuine open-mindedness to diversity of ideas, and willingness to synthesize in a pragmatic and client-oriented manner. John C. Gonsiorek, PhD., Minneapolis, MN USA; Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology; Past President, Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues (Division 44 of the American Psychological Association). Pink Therapy is the first British guide for counsellors and therapists working with people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual. It provides a much needed overview of lesbian, gay and bisexual psychology, and examines some of the differences between lesbians, gays and bisexuals, and heterosexuals. Pink Therapy proposes a model of gay affirmative therapy, which challenges the prevailing pathologizing models. It will help to provide answers to pressing questions such as: *what is different about lesbian, gay and bisexual psychologies? *how can I improve my work with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients? *what are the key clinical issues that this work raises? The contributors draw on their wide range of practical experience to provide - in an accessible style - information about the contemporary experience of living as a lesbian, gay or bisexual person, and to explore some of the common difficulties. Pink Therapy will be important reading for students and practitioners of counselling and psychotherapy, and will also be of value to anyone involved in helping people with a lesbian, gay or bisexual orientation.
Call Number: ONLINE
ISBN: 9780335191451
Publication Date: 1996-05-01
Further Reading
The Journal of the British Association of Counselling