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Finding Information: Search Tools and Resources

Search Tools and Resources

Once you have a solid understanding of your information need, it's time to identify appropriate sources and search locations. What do you need, and where will you find it? 

There is a massive variety of source types in the library and on the open web. Which you end up using will depend on your information task and need. Some source types can only be found using certain search tools. For example, journal articles can be obtained from individual journals, databases, Discovery, Google Scholar and even Google! However, if you're looking for an eBook, Discovery is generally going to be your best bet.

How do you know which tool is the right one? This section will guide you through each of the available options, helping you to make an informed judgement about the most appropriate source type and tool for the task at hand. 

This guide will discuss the following topics:   

Selected your search tool? Why not check out our Enhancing Your Search guide for top tips on creating an amazing search strategy? 

Further Reading