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121 Appointments: 121 Appointments Overview

121 Appointments

Library & Learning Services provides a 121 appointment service where you can book a slot with our Academic Skills Advisors or Learning & Teaching Librarians to get direct one to one support.

We will:
  • help you to improve and develop as an independent learner,
  • provide general, honest, constructive feedback on your work,
  • engage with you to help you to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement,
  • provide practical suggestions as to how you can improve your work,
  • direct you to any more specialised services you may require.
We will not:
  • offer a proofreading service
  • advise you on specialist knowledge of your subject area
  • act as a substitute to your supervisor or your lecturer

Before booking an appointment please read our 121 Charter.

What topics you can get support on and who to book with

ASAs provide students with academic support in addition to their course. They teach the skills that you need in order to be able to succeed on your course. ASAs can see you at the start of the day until 7pm on weekdays.

Help with...

  • Academic writing
  • Grammar
  • Referencing / Plagiarism
  • Assignment Planning
  • Proofreading Strategies
  • Structure and Flow
  • Understanding feedback
  • Vocabulary and Language
  • Time management
  • Exam preparation / Revision
  • Specific Learning Differences
  • English as a second language
  • Motivational techniques
  • Returning to study

LTLs provide students with the support they need to be successful in their studies.  Allowing the students to make the most of the resources at the University.

Help with...

  • Finding information for your assignment
  • Using Discovery
  • Advanced Searching techniques for finding information for your research topic or research question
  • Evaluating the information that you find
  • Using ebooks
  • Referencing
  • Using Refworks

Our Mathematics and Statistics advisor can help students with their mathematical needs, from everyday to course requirements.

During your initial 121 appointment, the MSA will make an assessment of your needs. If based on the information you provide, they may be able to help you with your query within the single session.

For more advanced queries, or circumstances which may require more continued support, the MSA may suggest agreeing a learning plan with you, taking place accross a number of sessions. You will be invited to draft a schedule of support if this is the case.

They may also refer you to other support services, such as Academic Skills Support, if they decide you may benefit from other forms of support.  

We can help with...

  • Mathematics for Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Mechanics
  • Scientific Maths e.g. Vectors, Matrices, binary arithmetic, and logic
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Statistics and Quantitative research
  • Νumeracy skills and drug calculations for Nursing and Midwifery
  • and more, just ask.

Book an appointment

Academic Skills Advisor appointments are up to 45 minutes, Learning & Teaching Librarian appointments are up to 30 minutes.  Appointments are available Monday-Friday. You can book an appointment online or on campus.

Click here to go to the booking page

121 Appointment Charter

This Charter sets out the standards of service that you can expect from our Academic Skills Advisors and Learning & Teaching Librarians one-to-ones and what is expected of students using the service.

Read the Charter Here