Library & Learning Services provides a 121 appointment service where you can book a slot with our Academic Skills Advisors or Learning & Teaching Librarians to get direct one to one support.
Before booking an appointment please read our 121 Charter.
ASAs provide students with academic support in addition to their course. They teach the skills that you need in order to be able to succeed on your course. ASAs can see you at the start of the day until 7pm on weekdays.
Help with...
The Digital Skills Advisor supports students with general digital skills and helps seek solutions for more complex queries.
Help with...
These one-to-one appointments are for digital skills support, not IT issues such as account access or technical faults. Please log a ticket with Minerva for any of these issues.
LTLs provide students with the support they need to be successful in their studies. Allowing the students to make the most of the resources at the University.
Help with...
Academic Skills Advisor appointments are up to 45 minutes, Learning & Teaching Librarian appointments are up to 30 minutes. Appointments are available Monday-Friday. You can book an appointment online or on campus.
This Charter sets out the standards of service that you can expect from our Academic Skills Advisors and Learning & Teaching Librarians one-to-ones and what is expected of students using the service.