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Supporting Inclusive Working (ECC): Behaviour awareness (SIL211)

Essential Reading

Atkinson, S. (2012) 'Positive behaviour support', Learning Disability Practice,15 (4), pp.10-10.

Jones, S. (2014) 'How positive behaviour support can reduce challenging behaviour', Learning Disability Practice, 17 (10), pp.36-38.

Recommended Reading

Grey, I., Lydon, H. and Healy, O. (2016) 'Positive behaviour support: what model of disability does it represent?', Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 41 (3), pp.255-266.

Hewitt, O., Keeling, N. and Pearce, M. (2016) 'Training a family in physical intervention as part of a positive behaviour support intervention for challenging behaviour', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44 (2), pp.159-166.

Webber, L., Major, K., Condello, C. and Hancox, K. (2017) 'Providing positive behaviour support to improve a client's quality of life', Learning Disability Practice, 20 (4), p36