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Essential Reading
Professional Engineering Practice: Reflections on the Role of the Professional Engineer by DEARDEN, H.Publication Date: 2013
Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals by IT Governance Publishing (Editor)
Your technical skills and professional expertise are evidence of your ability to accomplish difficult tasks. Strong presentation skills can help you further advance your career. The ability to present articulately to customers, management, peers and others can significantly enhance your credibility, clout, and professional status. Delivering presentations at work or professional events is an unbeatable way to gain a reputation as a valued employee and an expert in your field. If you have ever tried to get out of giving a presentation because of nerves, or if you feel there is room for improvement in your presentation techniques, then Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals is for you. This book gives you invaluable tips on how to make your presentation clear and accessible, how to interact with your audience and how to retain their interest while keeping your anxiety under control. Naomi Karten has used her vast experience - both positive and negative - on the front lines of public speaking to provide key advice (and many chuckles ) in this engrossing read for the technical professional.
ISBN: 9781849280730
Publication Date: 2010
Project Management by Dennis Lock
Dennis Lock's masterly exposition of the principles and practice of project management has been pre-eminent in its field for 45 years and was among the first books to treat project management as a holistic subject. But Project Management has been kept completely up to date by regular and sensitive revisions to ensure that it remains fresh and totally relevant. Project Management explains the entire project management process in great detail, demonstrating techniques from simple charts to detailed computer applications. Everything is reinforced with clear diagrams and case examples, many new for this edition. The author has expanded discussion of topics such as supply chain management and the project management office (PMO), and there are new chapters about implementing change management projects and the role of senior managers in supporting projects. Obsolescent or less frequently used methods have been stripped out, but readers of the hardback Tutor's Edition will find that this deleted material lives on as new chapters on the accompanying CD-ROM, which has itself also been thoroughly revised. Importantly, that disc includes comprehensive Power Point presentations with hundreds of well designed slides that tutors can use directly as a valuable resource for their lectures. Students have always commented on this book's reader-friendly style, which is free of unnecessary jargon, with clear diagrams and a construction that is logically organized, well indexed and simple to navigate. This Tenth Edition is certain to maintain the book's acclaimed status as the standard work for managers and students alike.
ISBN: 1409452697
Publication Date: 2013