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Essential Reading
Higher Engineering Mathematics by John Bird
A practical introduction to the core mathematics principles required at higher engineering level John Bird's approach to mathematics, based on numerous worked examples and interactive problems, is ideal for vocational students that require an advanced textbook. Theory is kept to a minimum, with the emphasis firmly placed on problem-solving skills, making this a thoroughly practical introduction to the advanced mathematics engineering that students need to master. The extensive and thorough topic coverage makes this an ideal text for upper level vocational courses. Now in its seventh edition, Engineering Mathematics has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams. The new edition includes a section at the start of each chapter to explain why the content is important and how it relates to real life. It is also supported by a fully updated companion website with resources for both students and lecturers. It has full solutions to all 1900 further questions contained in the 269 practice exercises. l 1900 further questions contained in the 269 practice exercises.
ISBN: 0415662826
Publication Date: 2014
Engineering Mathematics Through Applications by Kuldeep Singh
This popular, world-wide selling textbook teaches engineering mathematics in a step-by-step fashion and uniquely through engineering examples and exercises which apply the techniques right from their introduction. This contextual use of mathematics is highly motivating, as with every topic and each new page students see the importance and relevance of mathematics in engineering. The examples are taken from mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, engineering, fluid dynamics and other areas. While being general and accessible for all students, they also highlight how mathematics works in any individual's engineering discipline. The material is often praised for its careful pace, and the author pauses to ask questions to keep students reflecting. Proof of mathematical results is kept to a minimum. Instead the book develops learning by investigating results, observing patterns, visualizing graphs and answering questions using technology. This textbook is ideal for first year undergraduates and those on pre-degree courses in Engineering (all disciplines) and Science. New to this Edition: - Fully revised and improved on the basis of student feedback - New sections - More examples, more exam questions - Vignettes and photos of key mathematicians
ISBN: 9780230274792
Publication Date: 2011
Engineering Mathematics by K. A. Stroud; Dexter J. Booth
The best-selling introductory mathematics textbook for students on engineering and science degree and pre-degree courses. Sales stand at more than half a million copies world-wide. Its unique programmed approach really works! Many thousands of students have found that they understand and excel through using this book. It takes you through the mathematics in a step-by-step fashion with a wealth of examples and exercises. The text demands that you engage with it by asking you to complete steps that you should be able to manage from previous examples or knowledge you have acquired, while carefully introducing new steps. By working with the authors through the examples, you become proficient as you go. By the time you come to trying examples on your own, confidence is high. Aimed at undergraduates on Foundation and First Year degree programmes in all Engineering disciplines and Science. The Foundation section covers mathematics from GCSE onwards to allow for revision and gap-filling, and so means the book can be used for a range of abilities and all levels of access. New to this Edition: - A general revision of the entire contents - In Matrices an emphasis on eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the introduction of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem - New review summaries plus a new easy reference to help check back when you need more help - Key chapters improved yet further as a result of detailed student feedback
ISBN: 9781352010275
Publication Date: 2020