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Referencing Quick Guides: Books


This section includes printed books, electronic books (ebooks) and audiobooks: Cite Them Right: Books

Chapters from edited books

When you are using a chapter from a book that is edited, the chapters will likely be written by different authors. To help you identify if the book you are using is edited, look at the cover page, it will state ‘edited by...’.

Then look at the beginning page of the chapter you are reading, you will find the author’s name or names often below the title of the chapter.  

Follow this link to find out how to cite the chapter in-text and in your end reference list: Cite Them Right: Chapter in an Edited book


Top tips:

  • When referencing page numbers, you can use p. to reference one page or pp. to reference a page range. For example, referencing in text it might look like this: Rankin (2002, p.23) or Lavin (2022, pp. 45-56).
  • Also look out for the edition of the book, if it is a first edition you do not need to state this but if it is a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc edition, you must indicate this in your end reference list. Check our FAQs to learn more.