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Referencing Quick Guides: Government and Legal

Governmental and legal

Governmental resources

These resources include Green and White papers, EU Publications and Department Publications. 

For example, you might want to use a document that has been written by Public Health England or a report from the Ministry of Justice. This also includes reports that have been written by different Government departments such as The Department for Business. This guide will provide examples and instructions on how to reference these sources: Cite Them Right: Governmental.


Legal Resources

Legal resources can be Official records from Parliament published by the House of Commons or the House of Lords, Law reports and legal cases. Check the guide for a full list of Legal resources: Cite Them Right: Legal

You might also be using UK statutes, known as Acts of Parliament, for example The Children's Act 2004 or The Equality Act 2010. Here you will find how to reference these Acts in-text and in your end citation: Cite Them Right: UK status (Acts of Parliament)