If a patron is liable for lost tems, replacement charges are fixed as follows:
Book - £25.00
Video Game - £30.00
DVD - £10.00
Other (e.g. locker key) - £20.00
Please note these fees are fixed to ensure all patrons are treated equitably. However, total library charges can be negotiated in dialogue with a manager if they exceed the total RRP on Amazon.
Patrons are entitled to provide a replacement copy of lost/damaged items, instead of paying library fees. For guidance on how to process replacement copies, see here.
1. Library helpdesk receives contact from patron advising that they have returned or never had an item on loan.
2. Library helpdesk conducts a brief shelf check.
Identify shelf mark of item via item record.
If the title has records at multiple shelf marks, check these areas of the library as well.
Look around the area where the item may have been shelved (e.g., at the shelf above/below)
If the item is found | If the item is not found |
Return the item via the check-out screen. Confirm the item has been located with the patron using the “Item Found” macro. | Proceed to step 3. |
3. Complete “Claims Returned/Never Had” Form. The form will trigger an email sent to LibAnswers; this ticket should stay open until the claims returned is fully checked / completed.
If claims returned concerns 1 item AND patron has never claimed returned/never had before | If claims returned concerns multiple items OR patron has claimed returned/never had before |
We operate a benefit-of-doubt system for the first time an item is claims/returned never had.
Proceed to step 4. |
5. Delete first part of “Claims Returned/Never Had – Email 1” macro and send to patron.
6. Three searches to be conducted by three different staff members across three days. All LSAs are responsible for identifying new claims returns in LibAnswers, and updating “Claims Returned/Never Had” spreadsheet. Please use the internal notes function on LibAnswers to note when you complete a check.
If the item is found | If the item is not found |
Return the item via the check-out screen. Confirm the item has been located with the patron using the “Item Found” macro. | Proceed to step 7. |
7. Update the “Claims Returned/Never Had” spreadsheet accordingly.
8. Mark items as “Claims Returned” or “Claims Never Had” on patron account.
9. Add replacement fees for each item via the billing screen, charges are set as follows. Depending on when the item was issued, they may be added automatically.
Book - £25.00
Video Game - £30.00
DVD - £10.00
Other (e.g. locker key) - £20.00
10. Add a staff note to each item as follows “!Lost on loan – waive patron charge upon return”
11. Contact patron with “Claims Returned/Never Had – Email 2”
12. Complete “Item Request” Form to notify Librarians. You should still submit this form if the patron has stated that they wish to purchase replacements instead of paying charges; the librarians will then determine the urgency of the replacement, and purchase if required. Please make this explicit when prompted to supply any additional information on the form.
The library appreciates that the current financial climate is challenging for many patrons.
The library will only charge patrons for replacement copies where multiple books have been claimed returned/never had. All charges will be waived upon the return of the items.
All patrons can source a replacement copy instead of paying outright replacement charges.
Fees are fixed per item, so all students receive the same fee regardless of item cost.
Charges can be negotiated with a manager if the total we're charging is more than the item(s) total RRP.
If patrons are unable to pay replacement fees upfront, the arrangement of a payment plan can be discussed with a library manager.
If patrons are unable to pay replacement fees entirely and have extenuating circumstances, some/all the fees may be waived in discussion with a library manager.