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Library Services Assistant Guide

Booking Appointments

To book an appointment, please follow the link below

121 Appointments Booking Page - 121 Appointments - Learning and Teaching at University of Suffolk

Cancelling Appointments 

When a LTL/ASA is poorly, they will email learning services to create a ticket on LibAnswers. When you see this ticket, please complete the steps below.

Informing patrons about cancellations is time-sensitive - cancelling appointments and contacting patrons should be done by the person who isn't opening the library, especially where appointments are due to take place in the morning.

For this you will need access LibCal and LibAnswers. If you do not have access to either , please contact the Graduate Trainee Librarian 

Please find instructions below. For screenshots , please open the word document 

First step is to contact the patron via LibAnswers. To do so we must retrieve their contact details from the booking system.


​​​​​​1.  Open LibCal as linked above

2.  Open the Appointments tab, followed by Booking Explorer

3.  Open the User drop down menu .Press Deselect All to remove the current selection.

4.  Scroll and select the correct ASA/LTL. If required, change the date range. Once ready, press GO

5. Locate the appointment you wish to cancel. The patron details will be shown available for contact.

We will now use these details to contact the patron regarding this cancellation. A macro already exists for this , under 1:1 Appointment Cancellation.

This macro will advise the patron to rebook via the Academic Skills Hub, or get back in contact if it is an urgent query.

If you are unsure how to create a ticket on LibAnswers, or how to use a macro, please follow the quick links guides above.


6. Open LibAnswers 

7. Create a new ticket, using the patron details available. Use the subject heading / Question :  1:1 Appointment Cancellation *Insert Date*.

8.  Select the macro 1:1 Appointment Cancellation

9.   Amend the reply where necessary, including the correct appointment details.Press Submit Reply as Closed once done

Now that the patron has been contacted, we can cancel the booking via LibCal. It is important to do so to ensure the patron does not receive automatic reminders.


10. Return to LibCal

11. Select the appointment you wish to cancel

12. Press the Bulk Cancel Select Appointments button that appears.

13. A pop up box will appear. Leave Sent Email to Notify Users as checked

14. Press Begin Bulk Cancel - this will only cancel the selected appointments)

15. Please close the popup box once complete

16. The cancelled appointment will now have an updated status. The patron will also receive a further email of cancellation