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Essential Reading
Economics. 9th edn. by John Sloman; Dean Garratt; Alison Wride
The ninth edition of Economics contains the most up-to-the minute coverage and uses the latest data to track and analyse the impact of the global financial crisis on our economy. 'Economics' is popular for its active learning and student-friendly approach, and the new edition retains its classic features that provide a solid foundation for the study of economics, while covering much of the recent turmoil in the economy. * Comprehensive coverage of the credit crunch, the subsequent global recession, the legacy of debt, faltering recovery in the world economy and the policy debates about tackling the problems * Complete update of boxes, examples and changes to data / legislation, including more cases that relate to policy development.
Call Number: 330 SLO
ISBN: 9781292064772
Publication Date: 2015
Recommended Reading
Economics for Business and Management (E-book) by Alan Griffiths; Stuart Wall
Economics for Business and Management offers an exciting introduction to the principles and applications of microeconomics and macroeconomics to the global business problems faced by today's decision makers: #65533; What are the characteristics for successful entry into new international markets? #65533; How can 'sustainability' affect decision making within businesses? #65533; Why are today's global investors so concerned about national debt issues? #65533; In what ways does an awareness of cultural differences improve decision making by international marketing and human resource strategists? #65533; What strategies can companies such as BP use to repair damaged global reputations? It is an ideal text for introductory courses in economics with a business and management focus and more general business environment courses with an economic underpinning. Visit the fantastic website at to find extra practice questions, interactive activities, quizzes and exam style practice questions with instant feedback, as well as podcasts, news articles, animated professional power points slides and a testbank of questions.
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 9780273735243
Publication Date: 2011
Economics for Business and Management (Print Copy) by Alan Griffiths; Stuart Wall
Economics for Business and Management offers an exciting introduction to the principles and applications of microeconomics and macroeconomics to the global business problems faced by today's decision makers: #65533; What are the characteristics for successful entry into new international markets? #65533; How can 'sustainability' affect decision making within businesses? #65533; Why are today's global investors so concerned about national debt issues? #65533; In what ways does an awareness of cultural differences improve decision making by international marketing and human resource strategists? #65533; What strategies can companies such as BP use to repair damaged global reputations? It is an ideal text for introductory courses in economics with a business and management focus and more general business environment courses with an economic underpinning. Visit the fantastic website at to find extra practice questions, interactive activities, quizzes and exam style practice questions with instant feedback, as well as podcasts, news articles, animated professional power points slides and a testbank of questions.
Call Number: 330 GRI
ISBN: 9780273735243
Publication Date: 2011