Business Law. 3rd edn. (Print copy) by David Kelly; Ruby Hammer; John HendyBusiness Law offers comprehensive coverage of the key aspects of business law that is easy to understand for both law and non-law students. Established legal topics such as the English Legal System, Contract, Consumer, Company and Employment Law, as well as emerging areas such as Health and Safety and Environmental Law, are considered as they apply to business. This edition also includes coverage of the now essential field of Intellectual Property, written by Janice Denoncourt. The work has been thoroughly updated to include all the recent major developments in the law, such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 together with important cases that have been decided in the period since the last edition. Mention, of course is made of Brexit, although as yet its outcome and consequences remain uncertain. Key learning features include: Law in context boxes that contextualise each chapter#65533;s topic within the Business environment; diagrams and tables to illustrate key principles; updated key case boxes that highlight landmark cases for easy reference; revision summaries at the end of each chapter to help clarify the key points for each topic; an attractive two-colour text design that aids easy understanding and quick referencing; an up-to-date and easy-to-use companion website with additional features to further your learning and track your progress. Business Law offers a topical overview of this subject in an accessible style suited to both law and business studies undergraduates.
Keenan and Riches' business law. 11th edn. (Print copy) by Riches, S. and Allen, V.Keenan & Riches' Business Law is well known and highly regarded as a reliable and practical guide to the law as it applies to the world of business. The text combines a solid academic reputation with clear language and practical features designed to assist the non-specialist, making it a favourite choice of students and professionals.
The eleventh edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate recent legal changes including the European Union Act 2011, the Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011, the Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011, the Equality Act 2010 and changes in financial regulation as it affects companies. References to treaty articles have been renumbered to reflect changes made by the Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the Union. The new edition also presents current proposals for reform in areas of business law such as aspects of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations, competition law, consumer rights and defamation.