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Course Leadership: Welcome

Getting started

The Course Leader Pathway has been been developed to include a series of professional learning experiences for those new to Course leadership, new to course leadership at the University of Suffolk, or simply for experienced course leaders to familiarise themselves with new processes and best practices. However, this is not exclusive to Course leaders, and those who have would simply like to know more about some of the themes outlined are welcome to join. 

The sessions have been designed to support Course Leaders with different aspects of the role, including creating the foundations for an outstanding student experience, regulation and enhancement, making sense of data,  fair and consistent assessment, and student engagement through partnership. These professional learning experiences will be repeated throughout the year and do not have to be attended in a particular sequence.  

Each component of the training provided aligns to the AdvanceHE UKPSF which underpin applications for Fellowship. You can see when the activities are being delivered by clicking on the CPD Event Calendar tab in the table below.

Professional learning experiences designed to promote outstanding practice for research, innovation, scholarship, professional practice and / or employer engagement, to enhance the student experience and promote educational gain

  Engagement Supporting Evidence based teaching
Essential training

‘Outstanding’ Course Leadership

In this session, you will explore practices and approaches adopted by high performing course leaders, reflecting upon roles and responsibilities and the relationship between decision-making to transform lives through education, research, knowledge exchange, innovation, and entrepreneurship:

  •  An ‘Outstanding Student Experience’. What does it look like?
  • Creating the foundations for an outstanding student experience.
  • Course-team’ co-creators
  • ‘A day in the life...’

A1, A2, K2, V1, V2


A range of developmental opportunities to empower staff to deliver a consistently excellent and transformative student experience through creative, inspiring, and stretching delivery and supportive learning environments

  Delivery and Support Assessment and Feedback
  Enhancement and Innovation through insight
Essential training

Part 1 - Regulation and Enhancement

In this session, you will explore the bigger picture of external regulation of Higher Education in the UK, and internal monitoring at the University of Suffolk.

  • Regulation in UK Higher Education
  • Statutory & regulatory bodies (PSRBs)
  • Continuous monitoring and enhancement processes at UoS
  • Proactive monitoring of student engagement

V4, K5

Part 2 - Making sense of data

In this interactive session, you will explore the continuous monitoring process, from interpretation of student experience and outcome data to intervention and enhancement planning.

  • The relationship between, Learning, Teaching, Assessment, and outcomes and the Student Experience
  • Going for Gold - Exceeding ‘Benchmarks’ & ‘Thresholds’
  • SMART action planning

V3, V4, K5


Inclusive and collaborative curriculum and delivery. Collaborative professional learning experiences to drive contemplation and implementation of transformative approaches for building community and belonging through inclusive culture. 

Explore innovative approaches to enable and encourage independent learning. 


Learning Design, Interaction and Independence
Essential training

Transparent, consistent, fair, and inclusive

In this session, you will familiarise yourself with the key policy and procedures at the University of Suffolk for a transparent, consistent, fair, and inclusive student experience.

  • Policies, procedures & academic standards
  • An uncompromisingly high-quality experience
  • Effective working with External Examiners
  • Liberating the Curriculum

A3, V1, V2, V4, K5

Student engagement through partnership

In this session, you will reflect upon how to effectively mediate communication between students and the course team to enhance the student experience.

  • The Student Voice as the vehicle for engagement and innovation
  • Making inclusivity meaningful: Acting on student views for effective and ongoing partnership to create an inclusive university experience
  • Support for students experiencing difficulties
  • Office for Student Appeals, Complaints and Conduct (OSACC)
  • Handling informal complaints and early resolution

V4, V5, A4, K5