Welcome to the University of Suffolk's framework for the design, delivery and development of courses. The information in this guide provides you with all the information you need to review an existing course or to develop a new course from the ground up. It guides you through the process of course design, guidance in understanding a range of data and signposts further support.
Throughout the guide you will find examples of good practice, and opportunities to self assess your own course in relation to the foundations of how we deliver an excellent academic experience for our students.
Work in this area aligns to PSF 2023 and could be used as part of applications for fellowship: V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5
We offer a range of course design and development activities, and a bespoke programme of activity can be designed for you depending on where your course is in its life cycle. Regardless of where you are, we believe course design should be collaborative, empowering, data informed, student centred and fun. The events are about showcasing the expertise of the course team and supporting colleagues, and making sure that the end result is a successful and impactful course.
Our intention is to build up over time a collection of examples of existing University of Suffolk practice to illustrate ideas and approaches explored on each page, and to provide course teams with support and guidance on how they might replicate or adapt such practice within their own provision. We will collate such examples in boxes like this at the end of pages in the blueprint.