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Course Design Blueprint: Assessment


Assessment focuses on instructional activities designed to measure progress towards learning outcomes, provide feedback to students and academics, and/or enable grade assignment. This section addresses the quality and type of student assessments within the course.



Accomplished (baseline)


Assessment Information 

The assessment information folder contains vod/pod casts talking the learner through the assessments.


There is an assessment information folder which contains, in HTML templates, information about: 

  • The assessment dates 

  • The assessment format 

  • The weighting of the assessment components 

There is no assessment information folder, or the folder is missing any of the following components in HTML format: 

  • The assessment dates 

  • The assessment format 

  • The weighting of the assessment components 


Feedback from academic staff 

Audio feedback or video feedback has been used, and a transcript or closed captions provided.  

Annotations have been added in Brightspace for either document or video submissions. 


Text feedback given in Brightspace in the main text feedback box. 


Feedback has not been given in Brightspace. (It should not be provided either via Turnitin or via a document upload to Brightspace). 


The University of Suffolk general marking criteria rubric (for the relevant level) is attached to assignments and used in feedback. 

Attention has been drawn to the rubric before students are due to work on it. 


The University of Suffolk general marking criteria rubric (for the relevant level) is attached to assignments and used in feedback. 


Rubrics are not attached to assignments. 


Immediate automated feedback 

For more comprehensive chances for students to check their knowledge, Brightspace quizzes are provided. 

For quick opportunities for students to check their knowledge, the H5P tool is used. 

In each case, the students are given immediate feedback as a result of their choices. 

There is an opportunity in each folder of learning materials for students to check their knowledge of the subject. They are given immediate feedback as a result of their choices. (This can be conducted either via Brightspace quizzes or the H5P tool).  No opportunities have been provided for students to quickly check their knowledge.