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Course Design Blueprint: Co-creation

Co-creation with stakeholders

Co-creating a course with stakeholders helps to ensure that it meets the needs of future employers and professional bodies. It can also help in understadning the experience of students in the learning process, promoting engagement and sense of belonging.  

Stakeholders may include employers, representatives from Professional Statutory Regulatory Bodies, students, alumni, placement providers and colleagues from across the University community. 

Co-creating content benefits
  • content will be attractive to applicants, explicitly including hot topics, links to what progressing students would have already explored and may wish to develop further, and integrates skills and attributes that applicants would see as of value for future progression and employment opportunities.
  • skills and tools included in the curriculum are pertinent to the current working environment, and used by employers.
  • trends and developments in practice are highlighted and signposted.
  • students are fully aware of professional body expectations and related codes of conduct.
  • students understand and are able to operate in relevant operational environments and contexts.
Skills and attributes
  • employers will have opinions on which subject specific skills they would expect their employees to have, and be able to provide clarity on the types of environments and contexts in which the skills might need to be deployed.  Exploration with employers of the specific software that students would be expected to use within employment settings will help evaluation of current course provision and resourcing. 
  • In preparation for re-approvals, conversations with current students and recent graduates will help the team evaluate and plan how skill and attribute development is integrated into the curriculum.  Students and alumni will be able to highlight those skills they find most difficult to acquire, the learning activities they have found most (and least) helpful in developing them, and the ways in which the course has given them confidence in deploying skills effectively.
  • For vocational courses leading to particular roles, it is useful to consult with those who might work with those on such roles - service users, potential colleagues, managers - to gain a deeper picture of the expectations for behaviour and professional conduct that might be encultured within students.

Employ learning, teaching and assessment approaches that involve stakeholders in order to improve the authenticity and value of the students' learning and experience.  Where the team have ideas for such learning activities, consultation with stakeholders will help check the viability of such proposals.  Similarly, consultations may result in stakeholders making suggestions for activities which they could facilitate or contribute to such as visits, guest speaking, or the provision of case studies or authentic scenarios for learning and assessment activite