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Course Design Blueprint: The Module Design Rubric

Exemplar Module Design (EMD) Rubric

The EMD recognises academics whose modules demonstrate best practices in intentional use of the online learning environment as part of their blended module design. The EMD focusses on five major areas:

  • Asynchronous learning,
  • Synchronous learning,
  • Communication and collaboration,
  • Assessment and
  • Accessibility. 

The Learning Design team undertake module health checks to support course teams in exemplary module design within Brightspace. Health checks starts from the assumptions that the Brightspace baseline that is expected for all modules falls in the ‘Accomplished’ standard of the EMD, the ‘Exemplary’ standard is where instructional design, Brightspace and associated technologies are used in a creative, but effective way, above and beyond that of the accomplished baseline.

The rubric is annually monitored against best practice with our Associate Deans, Quality team and across the sector via the Heads of eLearning Forum (HeLF) and updated when required.  Course teams can make use of the learning design uplift service for existing module content or a full Module/Course (Re)Design process through facilitated CELT workshops.

Levels of application

Exemplar Accomplished Baseline Incomplete
All required elements are easily accessible with additional use of functionality above and beyond that of the accomplished standard. Required elements are available in the module and cover the baseline standard Required elements of the module are either incomplete or missing.