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The Student Experience and Engagement Team

The Student Experience and Engagement Team works across the University and student body to ensure that students have the best possible experience while studying as part of the University of Suffolk community. They work in collaboration with course teams, professional services and Students Union to identify and resolve issues affecting the student experience by promoting better student engagement with learning, teaching and support.   

The Ambassadors mediate communication between students and staff in the Student Voice Forums and the Suffolk Online Feedback in Action (SOFiA) platform to ensure the student voice is heard and students become co-creators during their learning journey. A key focus for the Student Experience and Engagement Team is to develop campaigns and initiatives which promote engagement, belonging, and community. 

Our work 

The Student Experience and Engagement Team undertake a variety of activities to enhance the student experience, including;

  • Delivery of campaigns and initiatives to build belonging and community. 
  • Promotion and response to the student voice via Student Voice Forums and SOFiA platforms and promotion of student surveys, including the National Student Survey (NSS), Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Experience Survey (PRE).
  • Keeping students informed with regards to course, school or cross-university activities and events, primarily through the University’s Online Learning Environment Brightspace.
  • Work closely with Associate Deans and course teams within Schools to identify solutions to any challenges or problems identified by students through the course of their study.
  • Collaborate with Heads of Service and their teams, e.g., Careers Employability and Enterprise, Student Life, Library and Learning Services and the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching to identify solutions to any challenges or problems identified by students through the course of their study.
  • Collaborate with the University of Suffolk’s Student Union, including working with Course Reps to disseminate actions from Student Voice Forums, attend Course Rep Forums and promote campaigns and activities across Schools and the student body as needed.
  • Support students in their transition to study at the University through early engagement with resources and activities through induction and ongoing support in the critical first year of study.
  • Implement support measures to re-engage students at risk of withdrawal. 


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