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Computing (All Pathways) BSc: Using Images, Media and Specialist Websites

Using Images 

You may be asked to include images or film in your assignments or projects. It is important to understand that, unless explicitly stated, any image or film you find or can access on the internet should be considered protected under copyright law.

What images can you use?

If you want to use images or film and plan on sharing your work outside of your course, you must be able to demonstrate that they are not protected under copyright law, are accessible through Creative Commons, or owned by you.

For work only submitted as part of your course, you can use images/film found on the internet through fair dealing.  However, you must provide an accurate attribution of the work as well as a reference. 

All students are expected to comply with copyright legislation. A clear explanation of the requirements of copyright law, and good academic practise, including plagiarism, is covered in our Assignment Toolkit.

You can find out more about copyright in the following Copyright Guide

Box of Broadcasts (BoB)

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an academically focused and on-demand TV and radio service. BoB allows you to record programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels and search an archive of over 2.2 million broadcasts! It’s basically Netflix for libraries!

Click here to visit the BoB site. You will need your six-digit student number and password to log in. 

Alternatively, search for BoB videos by typing the name of the film or programme into Discovery and selecting 'Video' under the content filter. 


Need Help? 

  • Consult BoB's frequently asked question guide here

Alternatively, watch the below video for guidance. 

Specialist Websites

Professional Bodies


  • ArXiv - Repository of material for computer sciences
  • Citeseer - Computer science bibliography
  • CoRR - Computing research repository
  • Webopedia - Use this to find computing and internet technology definitions.


There are many collections offering images that have the Creative Commons CO0 licence, this licence means that you can use and edit the image freely.  Here are a few places to look: