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Evening and Weekend Guide


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Online Shop for students to make payments


Spreadsheet for internal requests (23-24)

Spreadsheet for internal requests (22-23)

Cover sheet for FM transfer

Dissertation Binding

Dissertation binding is currently suspended, but you will also be required to bind student dissertations when we begin to offer this service again. If you need help operating the binding machines, your colleagues will be able to help you. It is essential that you sanitise your hands put on gloves before starting to bind any work. 

Students are required to pay £1.00 per dissertation copy, this includes:

  • Binding comb 
  • Clear front cover
  • Glossy card back cover

We are currently not taking any form of cash payment. To pay for binding students are required to complete a reprographics payment via the online shop

We will receive notification of this payment via the LibAnswers inbox (example below). Please note we no longer have to record reprographics online shop payments. In this case please tag as "online payments" + "reprographics" , and close the ticket.

Internal Reprographics Requests

Reprographics requests are entered by staff into the spreadsheet linked here. 

Reprographics requests are marked as pending in LibAnswers until they have been completed. If you have any questions about the request (i.e the requester, how they want the document printed, where they want it delivered to) please consult the ticket and contact Anna if you cannot find the information you're looking for. 


Guidance on printing can be found here.

  • Any requests which have not been claimed by someone else can be printed to the specifications of the 'Number of Copies' and 'Aditional Instructions' columns. 
  • When printing, you will need to make a note of the total cost and number of pages printed, this is displayed on the printer before you release the document. 
  • Any printing should be placed on the binding table and labeled with the request number and deadline. 
  • Record the date printing was completed on the above spreadsheet. 


Most reprographic requests will need to be bound after they have been printed. 

All materials are stored in the back office and reprographics cupboard (large brown cupboards to the right of the foyer printers; the key is labeled and is stored in the back office key safe. 

  • Select the appropriate sized binding comb
  • Gather a clear plastic sheet for the front of each document, and a non-glossy card back 
  • Use the binding machine to cut and bind the documents - you may need to ask a colleague to show you how to do this the first few times. 
  • Record the date binding was completed on the above spreadsheet. 

Guidelines on how to bind effectively can be found here: 

FM Helpdesk 

After reprographics requests have been bound and printed, they will usually need to be delivered by the FM Helpdesk.

Requesters will sometimes collect their documents from the Library Helpdesk themselves, so you should clarify by looking at the LibAnswers ticket if you're not sure. 

  • Requests can be made by creating a ticket in LibAnswers, addressed to the FM helpdesk. 
  • You will then need to reply to this ticket with the 'Reprographics Collection - FM Helpdesk' macro. Ensure that you cc the requester into the email. 
  • Record the date that collection was requested on the above spreadsheet. 

Completed requests should be indicated in green. Complete and print the cover sheet document below and attach to the box with the material to be delivered.