This space is reserved for essential updates. Please refer to this page at the beginning of each shift.
In any cases of staff illness or unexpected absence - e.g. someone being taken ill during a shift - please call Lauren Mon - Friday 17 - 21:00. At weekends call the DM as usual.
On weekends, contact the on-call duty manager as below
**Please leave voicemail and send text messages as follow up if you don't get an answer immediately!**
Saturday: Monica, Kate
Sunday: Bea, Jeremy
Please refer to this document for staff contact numbers in the event of sickness.
On Duty Manager: Steph
DM Contact Numbers Below
The on-duty manager rota is here.
Graham 0774 2050 715
Lauren 07786 014 896
Steph 07935 076 708
Anna 07581 647 203
Please refer to this document for staff contact numbers in the event of sickness.
We are one person short both days. Note Lauren is on annual leave.
Please refer to the below links to reach essential systems and documents.
Reprographics Request Spreadsheet
Reading List - Stock Take and Update
Reading List - Audit and Link Update
Items with Shelf Marks to be changed
Daily Tasks :