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Brightspace Student Support


Brightspace Search

With Brightspace Search, you are able to search for any material that is visible and accessible to on Brightspace. 

The search bar looks like this: 

There are 2 types of search that can be performed. 

  • Homepage Search  - Performing a search from the homepage will search all of the modules/areas you have access to in Brightspace.
  • Module Search- Performing a search from within a module will only search the module you are currently in. 

You can run searches for: 

  • File / Topic names
  • Content found within HTML content pages
  • URLs
  • Content in documents (such as PowerPoints, Word Documents, and PDFs)
  • Assignments
  • Discussions
  • Quizzes
  • Announcements

You can perform: 

  • Keyword Searches - To look for every instance of a particular word(s).
    Searching Parking Permit will show every item that mentions the word parking or permit.
  • Exact Searches - Using quotation marks ("like this") will run a search for the exact term entered. 
    Searching "Parking Permit" will only show items that mention parking permit as an exact phrase. 

There are also some drop down menu items that can help you shape and refine your searches:

  • All Terms - Specify a time period by choosing a Term/Block to search for items in.
  • All Types - Specify a type of item you are searching for i.e. - Assignments, Quizzes, Topics, URLs etc. 
  • Relevance - Order search results by relevance or recency (most recent items first).