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Early Childhood Studies Reading & Resources List (West Suffolk College): Children's Geographies

Essential Reading

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Children and Society

Children’s Geographies


Recommended Reading

Further Reading



Children and Society - Available online via -

Children’s Geographies - Available online via -

Sociology - Available online via -



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Essential Jourrnal Articles


Essential weekly readings will be made available to students on Learn under module content and will be updated each year.

Archambault, J. (2012) 'It can be good there too': home and continuity in refugee children's narratives       of       settlement',       Children's       Geographies       10(1),       pp.       35-48. (Available via University of Suffolk Summon)

Christensen, P.H. (2000) 'Childhood and the cultural construction of vulnerable bodies', in Prout, A.  (ed.)   The body, childhood and society.  Hampshire:  Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 38 – 59.

Christensen, P., James, A. and Jenks, C. (2000) ‘Home and movement: children constructing family time’, in Holloway, S. and Valentine, G. (eds.) Children’s geographies: playing, living, learning.  pp.120 – 134

Dobson, M. (2009) 'Unpacking children in migration research', Children's Geographies. 7(3), pp.355-360. (Available via University of Suffolk Summon).

Hopkins, P., and Hill, M. (2008) 'Pre flight experiences and migration stories: the accounts of unaccompanied asylum seeking children', Children's Geographies 6(3), pp. 257-268.

Gallacher, L. (2006) 'The terrible twos: gaining control in the nursery?',Children's Geographies, 3(2), pp. 243-264.

Leonard, M. (2005) 'Children, childhood and social capital: exploring the links', Sociology 39(4), pp. 605-622. Available via Summon.

Moss, S. (2012) Natural childhood report. No place: The National Trust. Available at:

Pike, J. (2008) 'Foucault, space and primary school dining rooms', Children's Geographies, 6(4), pp.413-422. Available via Summon.

Prosser, J. and Loxley, A. (2008) Introducing visual methods', ESRC NCRM review paper. Southampton: National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM).Available at:

Ross, N. (2007) 'My journey to school: foregrounding the meaning of school journeys and children's engagements and interactions in their everyday localities’, Children's Geographies, 5(4), pp. 373-391.

Yantzi, N.M., Young, N.L. and Mckeever, P. (2010) 'The suitability of school playgrounds for physically disabled children', Children's Geographies, 8(1), pp.65-78.