Activity |
Lecture |
- appropriateness and achievement of learning outcomes and session aims;
- communication of these to the students, and links to prior learning and knowledge;
- structure of the session, e.g. introduction, organisation into sections and a summary;
- delivery, including pace, audibility and visibility;
- communication with students, including signposting, interaction, questioning and activities;
- the engagement of students in the learning process.
Small Group Teaching |
- relationship of session to the expected learning outcomes;
- interaction and communication between lecturer and students, or between students;
- involvement of all members of the group;
- encouragement of students;
- ability to manage the group activities, questioning, listening, prompting of critical thinking;
- quality of formative feedback;
- consolidation of learning;
- support provided to students in becoming aware of their learning.
Assessment |
- Are the objectives of the assessment appropriate?
- Is the assessment method appropriate for the learning outcomes and learning being assessed?
- Is the assessment method inclusive, or will students need to apply reasonable adjustments?
- What is the rationale for the assessment design?
- Does this assessment provide opportunity for students to personalise it?
- Is this assessment the same as others in the module / course or does it provide opportunity to assess other skills?
- What activities are planned to help student understand and prepare for the assessment?
- Has the effectiveness of this assessment been reviewed and been taken into consideration following previous cohort submissions?
- Is the assessment published with a rubric explaining how it will be assessed and how marking is structured?
- Is the assessment submitted / can the assessment be submitted anonymously to ensure and reassure there is no bias?
Feedback |
- How is the feedback structured?
- Has a rubric been used to explicitly align the feedback to the assessment and marking criteria?
- Does the feedback provide students with clear explanations of areas for improvement against the criteria?
- How is the feedback released?
- Will students have the opportunity to discuss their feedback?
Brightspace |
- Have the Brightspace standards been applied?
- Does the Module Overview have the module guide added?
- Are you using a consistent approach to folder and file names across all your modules?
- Do you have your contact details and availability in the module?
- Are you using the HTML templates to create easy accessible content item not just uploading documents?
- Do you add images and descriptions to folders to create a narrative and tell a story through your module?
- Are you adding descriptions to each file/content item to help students to navigate the module?
- Do you use tools such as Brightspace quizzes, HP5 or to create formative interactivity?
- Are you using tools such as 'Checklists' to allow students to self check their progress?
- Where required, do all uploaded documents meet the requirements of the Digital Accessibility legislation?
- Do you include video in your module?
- This could be short self recorded lecture catch ups, embedding of external video content (where you have permission).
- Are you using the Virtual Classroom tool for lectures and seminars to allow synchronous and asynchronous access?
- Are the Virtual Classroom sessions added inline with the content and not only via the 'Communications' tab?