We expect course teams wo apply baseline standards in the ways in which they use Brightspace in their Block and Blend design, and create learning materials for studnets to use. These standards are The Brightspace Baseline Standard and Accessibility Standard WCAG.
The Learning Design team can support you in assessing how well you meet either standard through their Module Health Checks. You can also explore how well you meet the Brightspace Baseline Standards - and how you could enhance your practice though the Exemplar Module Rubric.
The Brightspace Baseline Standard functions at two levels - course, and module.
Folders |
Folders should present exactly the same information for all students registered on the course, regardless of level of study:
Communication |
Regular and consistent communication helps to manage the student journey and provide clear expectations. Communication in Brightspace should be consistent through modules and courses. This can be done through:
Folders |
Content |
Learning content should made using instructional design techniques. This enables the narrative and rationale of the learning to be conveyed to the student and supports them in progressing through the learning activities. Content is “chunked” into smaller units designed to help students achieve module and course learning outcomes. It should also be designed with Brightspace integral to driving engagement with learning and to support particular activities. This must be consistent across all modules. To do this we expect the following to be applied:
Some or all of the tools presented below should be used, as appropriate to the content and learning to be delivered.
Assessment submission |
One submission item (plus grade item) per component per submission opportunity.
Assessment - quizzes |
Regular use of quizzes during blended learning can support students in engaging with content and measuring their own learning gain. They can also be used for formative assessment, tracking learning and understanding. These can be used as:
Wherever the format of the assessment allows, submission should be online. Access to assessment and unratified grades should be enabled using release conditions. |
Assessment - videos |
Individual and group projects with annotation can be student led and organised within Panopto. These can be also be peer assessed. Access to assessment and unratified grades should be enabled using release conditions. |
Feedback | Feedback on written assessment should be made using the Brightspace annotations tool. It is also possible to provide feedback using audio tools, in-video feedback on AV assessment, and rubrics. |
Panopto should be used in both face to face and online delivery of lectures and seminars. It can also be used to support group work, by both the lecturer and students working on independent group activities as part of blended learning.