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Course Design Blueprint

Quality Enhancement

In combination, three key bodies are responsible for the continual enhancement of the University's learning, teaching and assessment: the University's Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), the University's Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee, and the Quality Committee.  Here we explore how these three bodies work together, and provide signposts for course teams on how they might need or seek to engage with them.

Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

CELT is led by the University's Director of Learning and Teaching and is housed in the Directorate of Library and Learning Services.  Established initially in 2019, CELT seeks to lead the development of learning, teaching and assessment practice across the University through the provision of guidance and CPD.  CELT is also home of the Student Experience team, and  For further information on CELT's activities, see the CELT pages on the University web site and the dedicated pages within the Library and Learning Services website.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee

The Learning, Teaching and Assessment committee is a sub committee of the quality committee (see below) where policies and practices associated with cousre delivery and assessment are discussed, with recommendations for policy adoption being passed on to quality committee for ratification.

Quality Team

In addition to receiving reports from LTAC the Quality committee oversees all course approval processes including the management of course modification approval. The committee also oversees academic policy and procedure approval.