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Library Services Assistant Guide

Partnerships and Access

The University of Suffolk has three local partner colleges: 

  • West Suffolk College
  • East Coast College 
  • Suffolk New College 

We are also partners with the following organisations (based in sub-Saharan Africa, London and Manchester): 

  • London School of Commerce (LSC)
  • Global Banking School (GBS)

For further information about the University's Partnerships, please see here. The Partnerships team are contactable at 

For guidance on how to identify partner students and their Library entitlements, please see below. 

If Student Union Staff wish to have a borrowing account please ask them to email the Library Helpdesk from their staff account, with their full name, P-number (you can get this from scanning their card, and their length of contract (so that we can give their account an expiry date). This will then be processed by LSAs.

Identifying Partner Student Enquiries 

We must be careful how we respond to support enquiries from partner students to ensure that we are providing the correct information. Before offering support, you will need to identify whether the student is a partner.

Remember: if ever in doubt, simply ask the student to confirm which partner they study with. 


Check the 'Patron Details' tab immediately after claiming the ticket. You should be able to view the required information, as below: 



While off-campus the easiest way to identify the student is to enter the student's name in Outlook, then look up the contact details. As highlighted below, you will see their base site.  

  • Beginning with ‘I’ is Ipswich,
  • 'ECC' is East Coast College
  • 'WSC' is West Suffolk College
  • 'SNC' is Suffolk New College
  • ‘GBS' is Global Banking School
  • 'LSC' is London School of Commerce
  • 'UNCF' is UNICAF

Responding to Partner Enquiries

Now you have established the partner status of the student, please use the below information to direct the enquiry. 

Partner Access to: No Access to: Contact
East Coast College (ESC)

6 print books 

Study spaces (must apply for access card, priority given to UoS based students) 

eResource access using S number and password (DOB in format 01Jan20)

Note: Library accounts should be auto-generated by SITS feed.

Resource requests via UoS Library 

Study Skills support via UoS Library

West Suffolk College (WSC)

6 print books 

Study spaces (must apply for access card, priority given to UoS based students) 

eResource access using S number and password (DOB in format 01Jan20)

Note: Library accounts should be auto-generated by SITS feed.

Resource requests via UoS Library 

Study Skills support via UoS Library

Suffolk New College (SNC) - UoS Students

6 print books

Study spaces (must apply for access card, priority given to UoS based students) 

eResource access using S number and password (DOB in format 01Jan20)

Note: Library accounts should be auto-generated by SITS feed.

Resource requests via UoS Library 

Study Skills support via UoS Library


eResource access using S number and password (DOB in format 01Jan20)

If student does not have S number, direct them to

Print books

Study spaces 

Resource requests 

Study skills support 



Global Banking School (GBS)

6 print books 

Study spaces (must apply for access card, priority given to UoS based students) 

eResource access using S number and password (DOB in format 01Jan20)

Print books

Study spaces 

Resource requests 

Study skills support

London School of Commerce (LSC)

6 print books 

Study spaces (must apply for access card, priority given to UoS based students) 

eResource access using S number and password (DOB in format 01Jan20)

Print books

Study spaces 

Resource requests 

Study skills support