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Library Services Assistant Guide

Digitisation for Teaching

The digitisation service offered by the University of Suffolk Library (the Library) aims to supply digital copies of teaching resources with limited or no online access. This includes digitising book chapters/sections per the Copyright Licensing Agency’s (CLA) regulations and, where appropriate, utilising the British Library’s Enhanced Higher Education Supply Scheme (EHESS) to procure articles and book sections unavailable in our existing collections. 

For more information about our digitisation service, please see here

A detailed process flow chart is available to view here. 

Please note that David Upson-Dale is no longer supervising this process. The LSAs will oversee the digitisation process from receipt to completion, in dialogue with the Library Services Supervisor. They are responsible for:  

  1. Using the Check Permissions tool to confirm the resource is covered under our CLA License. 
  2. Confirming the request is within CLA limits, using the 10% Calculator on the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet
  3. Checking existing holdings, and notifying Librarians if resource acquisition is required using the Stock Request Form.
  4. Cataloguing request details in the Digital Content Store
  5. Scanning and uploading content to the Digital Content Store.
  6. Liaising with requestors throughout the digitisation process as required. 

Receiving Requests

All requests must be submitted via the online form, here. Anybody attempting to submit requests via alternative means (i.e., email) should be redirected to this form, using the Digitisation: Request Redirect LibAnswers Macro. 

The online form will automatically import all requests into the Digitisation Request spreadsheet and send a notification to LibAnswers.

When digitisation tickets are received into LibAnswers, the below actions should be taken: 

  • Assign Digitisation tag
  • Change the email address associated with the ticket to the requestor's email 
  • Move the ticket to the Library Admin queue and mark as pending

Team B colleagues should verify if the request is for a book or article.

  1. Proceed to "Book Request Process" for books
  2. Proceed to "Article Request Process" for articles

Re-Requests / Links no Longer Working 

Please note that requests are for each academic year and not all time. Materials from the past academic year will be deleted each year in July; materials will no longer work after this time. All requests should be treated as entirely new, and follow the request guidelines given above. 

Use the Digitisation: Re-Request / Link no Longer Active macro to respond to queries that refer to re-requesting past materials, or which query non-functional links from previous academic years. 

Please note that links may also stop working if the publisher has withdrawn copying permissions. You may wish to confirm if this is the case by using the CLA check permissions tool. 

Book Request Process

Confirm whether the item requested is a book by checking the "Request Format" field in the LibAnswers Ticket. Navigate to the corresponding tab of the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet. If the request is for an article, please refer to the tabbed box below. 

The below checks should be completed for all book requests. 

1. Librarian Approval

When received, all requests will be automatically submitted to the corresponding Subject Librarian for approval, as below: 

  • Technology, Business, and Arts - Oona Ylinen
  • Business, Engagement, Careers and Employability - Oona Ylinen
  • Allied Health and Sciences - Rebecca Knights 
  • Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health - Stephanie Gibson 
  • Social Science and Humanities - Graham Martindale 

Librarians will check digitisation requests to ensure adequate stock levels and upgrade/purchase additional copies as required. 

  • Digitisation requests should not be actioned until the "Approved by Librarian" column on the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet has been updated with "Approve". Refer to the "Notes" column for further information. 
  • If a Digitisation request is rejected, please refer to the "Notes" column for guidance on next steps. 

Please note that only the Librarian responsible for the school will receive the approval prompt; if they are absent or on leave there may be delays. If a request has not been approved/rejected within 3 working days of submission, please liaise with available Learning and Teaching Librarians to discuss next steps. 

2. Checking Requests

Please note that the CLA check can be completed concurrently with Librarian approval (i.e., as soon as the request is received). If the request fails this check, please ensure that the Librarian responsible for the request is cc'd into the email when you contact the requestor. 

DCS Check

  1. Search the DCS by the module code (select courses on the left/use search bar at the top right)
  2. If there is no DCS course with the same code, continue with the below checks.
  3. If a course with the same code exists in the DCS, follow the below steps: 
  • Select view content
  • Check course materials for the requested item, and if located select reinstate on the right
  • Select the link icon (next to view link button) to copy link
  • Supply link

Note for where there are multiples from the same book: If (when adding a new request to the DCS) the system displays the warning ‘items from this same ISBN or ISSN have already been used for this course’ check under ‘page ranges used’ if it says ‘Archived’ you can proceed. If it does not say archived, and the combined total exceeds 10% the requester will need to be contacted to ask which section they would prefer to use (use the relevant macro for this).

CLA Check

  1. Enter the book ISBN into the CLA Check Permissions tool, select "Higher Education" from the dropdown, and click "Check".
  2. Identify the correct record and click the "Show Higher Education Permissions" button 
  3. Confirm that the item is covered for scanning (there will be a green tick to the left of the screen). 
  4. If the item is covered for scanning, update the "CLA Covered" column in the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet with 'Y'. Proceed to 10% or Chapter Only check. 
  5. If the item is not covered for scanning, contact the requestor with the Digitisation: Digitisation Not Possible LibAnswers macro, CC the corresponding subject Librarian into the message, and close the ticket. Update the "CLA Covered" column in the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet with 'N', and add the date into the "Completed Date" column. 
  6. If you are unable to locate the item when using the "Check Permissions" tool, the CLA website will signpost some general guidance to help you determine if the resource is eligible. Generally speaking, it will be eligible for scanning if the resource is published in the UK or an International Mandate Publisher and is not on the list of excluded publishers

10% or Chapter Only

  1. If a request for a chapter has been submitted, refer to the print or eBook copy of the book to confirm. Patrons may request whole sections or parts of books; if you are unsure if a request constitutes a chapter, please discuss with the Library Services Supervisor. 
  2. If a request for one or more page ranges has been submitted, utilise the 10% calculator on the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet to confirm that the total number of pages constitutes 10% or less of the total book. You can search Amazon to confirm the total number of pages. 
  3. If a request exceeds the chapter and 10% limit, requestors should be contacted using the Digitisation: Request Exceeds Limits macro. CC the corresponding subject Librarian into the message. The request will be paused until the requestor returns with a revised page range or chapter request; when received, update the "Section details" section of the Digitisation Request spreadsheet. 

Holdings Check

  1. Refer to the "Notes" column on the Digitisation spreadsheet to review librarian comments regarding holdings.  
  2. If a multi-user eBook is held, digitisation is not necessary. The requestor should be contacted using the Digitisation: Item Available macro. The ticket should be closed, the link to the eBook pasted in the "Link" column, and the "Completed Date" column updated on the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet. 
  3. If only a print book is held, collect the item from the shelf and issue it to the LSSDigitisation Library Account. 
  4. If only a print book is held and it is currently on loan, reserve the item on the LSSDigitisation Library Account and notify the requester of the potential delay using the Digitisation: Request Delay macro. 
  5. If the item is not currently available in our existing holdings and the request has been approved, the Librarian should have placed an order for it with "For LSSDigitisation" in the receiving actions. If possible, reserve the "On Order" item using the LSSDigitisation account. Contact the requestor using the Digitisation: Request Delay macro. 
  6. If the item cannot be purchased as a print or eBook, refer to step 2 of the article request instructions below (books can also be requested via the EHESS scheme when absolutely necessary). 

3. Adding a Course

We must ensure a corresponding course is set up before adding requests to the Digital Content Store (DCS). 

Use the below login details:

  • Username: 
  • Password: Awesomeness14

Check to see if the course has already been added: 

  1. Select "Courses" on the left-hand side of the screen 
  2. Search using the module code
  3. If the course is already there, confirm the details are correct by clicking the "Update" button on the right-hand side of the course record. 
  4. Use the information provided by the requestor to update the course record; you should assume that the information provided by the requestor most recently is correct (i.e., ensure the course details match the most recent request on the spreadsheet). 
  5. You can now proceed to "4. Adding a Reading". 

If the course has not already been added, follow the steps below: 

  1. Click the "+ Add Course" button in the upper right-hand of the screen. 
  2. Update each field using the information provided on the Digitisation Request spreadsheet. The table below should be used to identify what information should be added to each field. 
  3. Click "Create" to save the record. 
  4. You can now proceed to "4. Adding a Reading".
Field Name Digitisation Request Spreadsheet Column  Example
Course code Module code IMDPDI214
Course name Module name Themes and Ideas: Perspectives on Photography
Description  No information required  
Number of students Total students enrolled  21
Course length in weeks Total duration of module, calculated based on the module start and end date 12
Subject Course area Photography
Department Academic school  Technology, Business and Arts

3. Adding a Reading

The request must now be added to the Digital Content Store (DCS). Use the below login details:

  • Username: 
  • Password: Awesomeness14

Adding a Reading 

  1. Click "Search and Discover" on the left-hand side of the screen 
  2. Enter the book ISBN, ensure the dropdown is set to "All Content" and click search 
  3. Identify the correct book record 
  4. Enter the page range for the section requested and click next. 
  5. In the "Publication Details" section: click "Update Chapter Information", complete the "Chapter Number", "Chapter Name" and "Chapter Author" fields, and click "Save". This information will impact the appearance of the coversheet; you may need to consult the requested source of Amazon to ensure these details are correct.
  6. In the "License Compliance Verification" section: click "Yes" to confirm ownership status, and click the dropdown to specify the nature of this ownership (top tip: hover over the "i" next to the ownership type to determine the most accurate selection). 
  7. In the "Assign to Course" section: click in the box underneath "Courses" and search using the module code. Select the appropriate course and click "Save Request".
  8. In the "Extent Limits" section: if request is for one chapter click the "Confirm 1 chapter button"; if the request is for 10% or less, provide the total number of pages in the book by clicking the "Update (Total number of pages) button".  
  9. Add date to "Catalogued in DCS Date" column on the Digitisation Request spreadsheet

Identifying Existing Digital Copies 

The Digital Content Store is a shared resource, within which institutions and publishers can share complete or sections of works as files for other institutions to use. In some instances, this may mean you don't have to produce a scan yourself. 

In the "Source Content" section, you will be able to confirm if content is already available in the DCS; existing content could include: 

  • Born Digital Originals (the entire book is provided by the publisher)
  • Born Digital Extracts (extracts from the born digital original from another HEI) 
  • Crowd Sourced Extracts (scans made by another HEI) 

Proceed as follows: 

  1. If no existing digital copies are available (as below) click the "Save Request" button at the bottom of the page and proceed to step 5. 
  2. If an existing extract is available for the section required, proceed to step 6. 
  3. If a Born Digital Original is available, follow the steps below to create an extract.

Creating an Extract from a Born Digital Copy
  1. Click the "Create Extract" button
  2. A confirmation screen will appear, complete with your existing request information 
  3. Click "Confirm" to generate your extract 
  4. Proceed to step 6.

4. Scanning, Cropping and Merging 


To obtain a digitised chapter from an eBook, navigate to the book via Discovery and download the chapter/page range as a PDF. 

To do this on VLEbooks: 

  1. Click "Read Online"
  2. Click the printer icon along the top navigation bar 
  3. Tick the checkbox next to "Range" and specify the chapter page range
  4. Click "Print
  5. Select "Save as PDF" from the drop-down 
  6. Save and name the file accordingly 

To do this on eBook Central:

  1. Click "Read Online" 
  2. Click the printer icon along the top navigation bar
  3. Tick the checkbox next to "Range" and specify the chapter page range 
  4. Click "Create PDF"
  5. Click "Open PDF"
  6. Save and name the file accordingly 

Print Books
  1. Take the book to the MFD
  2. Open the top and lay the book facedown within the A3 scanning area
  3. Select "Scan" and "Email me" 
  4. Click the "Settings" button to adjust scanning settings as follows: 2-sided, A3, landscape, 300dpi, full-colour or grey scale as per content of source material. Ensure the "Prompt for more pages" box is ticked so that multiple pages can be scanned as part of one document. 
  5. When complete, click "Finish and Send".
  6. Scans can be uploaded to the Sharepoint Digital Copies folder temporarily if necessary, but should be deleted immediately following request completion. 


If you are picking up cropping and merging tasks from a colleague, scans should be located in the Digital Copies folder on Sharepoint. 

  1. Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
  2. Select "Edit PDF" from the right-hand menu 
  3. Select "Crop Pages" from the top-bar menu 
  4. Use the cursor to drag a box around the areas of the page to keep; there should be some space around the text, but the pages of the book/background should not be visible as below. 
  5. Press enter on your keyboard and select "OK"
  6. Repeat for each of the pages and save the new version. Scans can be uploaded to the Sharepoint Digital Copies folder temporarily if necessary, but should be deleted immediately following request completion. 




Merging Scans

If a request is too large to complete in one scan (too many pages to send as one file), you will need to scan it in parts, crop the pages in each document, and then merge the separate documents into one following the below steps: 

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
  2. From the top menu select fie/create/combine files into a single PDF
  3. Open the folder which contains the files you wish to combine 
  4. Drag the files into the window with the Adobe software
  5. Select the "Combine" button at the top 
  6. "Save as" a new file. Scans can be uploaded to the Sharepoint Digital Copies folder temporarily if necessary, but should be deleted immediately following request completion. 

When the final PDF is complete, add date to "Scan Created Date" column on the Digitisation Request spreadsheet

5. Uploading and Sharing

Uploading the Document 

From a Born Digital or Crowd Sourced Original: 

You should always preview the extract before selecting it to ensure that the pages match your requirements. Where there are multiple copies of the same extract, you should review and select the highest-quality version. 

  1. Navigate to the Digital Content Store (DCS)
  2. Click "Courses" from the side navigation bar, identify the module the request was made for, and click the "View Content" button.
  3. Identify the request record (at the bottom under "Unpublished Requests") and select to open.  
  4. In the "Source Content" section: identify the file you would like to supply, and click the "Select" button 
  5. Click "OK" to override any warnings 
  6. In the "Publish" section: click the "Generate Link" button
  7. Paste into the "Link" column of the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet

From a scanned/downloaded copy: 

  1. Navigate to the Digital Content Store (DCS)
  2. Click "Courses" from the side navigation bar, identify the module the request was made for, and click the "View Content" button.
  3. Identify the request record (at the bottom under "Unpublished Requests") and select to open.  
  4. In the "Source Content" section: select "Add Document". 
  5. Select the colour scale, source format (print or digital), and input the page range. Choose your file, ensuring it is appropriately named (i.e., Educational Psychology, Chapter 1 - The Developing Brain). Click the "Upload" button. 
  6. Identify the file you have uploaded in the "Crowd Sourced Extracts" list and click the "Select" button 
  7. Click "OK" to override any warnings.
  8. In the "Publish" section: click the "Generate Link" button.
  9. Paste into the "Link" column of the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet.

When the final PDF is complete, add date to "Scan Uploaded Date" column on the Digitisation Request spreadsheet

Supplying the Link 
  1. Respond to the initial LibAnswers ticket using the Digitisation: Request Available macro. 
  2. Add date to "Completed Date" column 

Article Request Process

Important note: The British Library continues to experience a major technology outage following a recent cyber incident, and EHESS remains unavailable with no timeline available yet for reinstatement.  

Please proceed with standard checks, update the spreadsheet as required, and then liaise with the Library Services Supervisor for guidance on next steps. 

Confirm whether the item requested is a book by checking the "Request Format" field in the LibAnswers Ticket. Navigate to the corresponding tab of the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet. If the request is for an article, please refer to the tabbed box below. 

The below checks should be completed for all book requests. 

1. Librarian Approval

When received, all requests will be automatically submitted to the corresponding Subject Librarian for approval, as below: 

  • Technology, Business, and Arts - Oona Ylinen
  • Business, Engagement, Careers and Employability - Oona Ylinen
  • Allied Health and Sciences - Rebecca Knights 
  • Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health - Stephanie Gibson 
  • Social Science and Humanities - Graham Martindale 

Librarians will check digitisation requests to ensure adequate stock levels and upgrade/purchase additional copies as required. 

  • Digitisation requests should not be actioned until the "Approved by Librarian" column on the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet has been updated with "Approve". Refer to the "Notes" column for further information. 
  • If a Digitisation request is rejected, please refer to the "Notes" column for guidance on next steps. 

Please note that only the Librarian responsible for the school will receive the approval prompt; if they are absent or on leave there may be delays. If a request has not been approved/rejected within 3 working days of submission, please liaise with available Learning and Teaching Librarians to discuss next steps. 

Important note: The British Library continues to experience a major technology outage following a recent cyber incident, and EHESS remains unavailable with no timeline available yet for reinstatement.  

Please proceed with standard checks, update the spreadsheet as required, and liaise with the Librarian responsible for the course area. 

2. Checking Article Requests

Please note that the CLA check can be completed concurrently with Librarian approval (i.e., as soon as the request is received). If the request fails either of these checks, please ensure that the Librarian responsible for the request is informed by tagging them in a comment on the spreadsheet before contacting the requestor. 

CLA Check

  1. Enter the journal title into the CLA Check Permissions tool, select "Higher Education" from the dropdown, and click "Check".
  2. Identify the correct record and click the "Show Higher Education Permissions" button 
  3. Confirm that the item is covered for scanning (there will be a green tick to the left of the screen). 
  4. If the item is covered for scanning, update the "CLA Covered" column in the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet with 'Y'.  
  5. If the item is not covered for scanning, contact the requestor with the Digitisation: Digitisation Not Possible LibAnswers macro, CC the corresponding subject Librarian into the message, and close the ticket. Update the "CLA Covered" column in the Digitisation Request Spreadsheet with 'N', and add the date into the "Completed Date" column. 
  6. If you are unable to locate the item when using the "Check Permissions" tool, the CLA website will signpost some general guidance to help you determine if the resource is eligible. Generally speaking, it will be eligible for scanning if the resource is published in the UK or an International Mandate Publisher and is not on the list of excluded publishers

Important note: The British Library continues to experience a major technology outage following a recent cyber incident, and EHESS remains unavailable with no timeline available yet for reinstatement.  

Liaise the appropriate librarian for guidance on next steps. 

2. Ordering from EHESS

Where an item cannot be digitised, the library may attempt to source a copyright-fee-paid (CFP) copy via the British Library’s EHESS scheme. Resources obtained via the EHESS scheme incur an additional administrative and copyright fee to be paid by the library

The EHESS scheme is typically used to source articles not held in the library's collection, but can also be used to obtain book extracts if we are unable to source them via alternative means (as above). 

[pending content] 

Important note: The British Library continues to experience a major technology outage following a recent cyber incident, and EHESS remains unavailable with no timeline available yet for reinstatement.  

Liaise with the appropriate librarian for guidance on next steps. 

3. Downloading and Supplying

[pending content] 

Material Rollover

End-of-Year Rollover

The Library and Learning Services inbox should receive a LibTicket prompt when it is time to prepare the Digital Content Store for the next academic year. Please note that this prompt should only be actioned between 1st ad 15th June. 

You will need to login to the Digital Content Store (DCS) using the below details: 

  • Username: 
  • Password: Awesomeness14

Any materials which have remained archived throughout the academic year should be deleted. 

To delete materials:  

  1. Login to the DCS
  2. Select 'Courses' on the left navigation bar
  3. Click the "Reinstate" button and then "Delete" button for each course

All remaining materials (i.e. those requested in the past academic year) should be rolled over to the next academic year, and then archived. 

To  rollover last year's materials:

  1. Login to the DCS
  2. Navigate to ‘My Institution’
  3. In the top right-hand corner of the page, a ‘Start New Academic Year’ button will appear 90 days prior to 1st June 
  4. Select this button and wait whilst the rollover process takes place

To archive last year's materials: 

  1. Login to the DCS
  2. Select 'Courses' on the left navigation bar
  3. Work through all of the content, clicking the "Archive" button