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Library Services Assistant Guide

Amazon and Other


Placing Orders on Amazon - for a guide with images click here Ordering from Amazon.docx (best viewed in desktop app)

Open the link that is supplied in the


You may have to login to Amazon. If so, put in the details below.

Login using details
Password: Library1

Underneath the password Sign-In button, click the box to stay signed in.

Future visits to Amazon won’t ask you to sign in, and you will not be automatically logged out after going idle.


When opening the link from the Book Order Spreadsheet you should be taken to the product page.

On this page check the details against the Book Order Spreadsheet.

  • Title
  • Cost
  • Item type – ie. DVD, or Paperback/Hardback
  • Quantity – change this to order as close to the number on the spreadsheet ie. 3 copies of 5
    • If not all the items can be ordered, create a new line below the original line in the Book Order Spreadsheet with the remaining items and put on a note explaining that more need to be ordered when they are back in stock.
    • Notify the librarian.
  • Click Add to Basket when everything is correct

If there are more items to purchase from the Book Order Spreadsheet repeat the above steps. The basket can be filled with items from all the tabs from the Book Order Spreadsheet.

When everything to be purchased is in the basket, click on the Proceed to Checkout button after adding your last item or click on the trolley icon in the top right corner.

The checkout page will have a box of information at the top that has the delivery address and payment details. Usually this can be ignored but sometimes it may be necessary to change/update the payment method, see the troubleshooting section at the end if this needs to be done.

Below the address and payment method box should be a list of everything that has been added to the basket. Some items may be grouped together. Whether a single entry or in a group entry, each one will have an option for delivery.

If there is a free option, select the circle next to it, unless the item is needed urgently then go with the shortest estimated delivery date. (Do Not make a Prime account)

When all the entries have had their postage options selected, go to the top right of the page, and click Buy now.

Once this is done, log the purchase in the Book Order Spreadsheet by turning the row green and putting the date in the Ordered Date column (column O).


Add the details to the 2021-2022 Spend Overview.xlsx spreadsheet. If you have bought something in foreign currency check the website and put in the current GBP conversion rate.




The credit card has reached its limit, so another one is being used

  • Click Change next to the words Payment Method.
  • Select the card that you want to use.
  • Then click Continue – this will take you back to the checkout page

The credit card needs updating

  • Click Update
  • Fill in the new expiry date using the dropdown menus.
    • Ask the owner of the card for the details.
  • Then click Continue – this will take you back to the checkout page

Creating Orders - for a guide with images, click here Creating Amazon Orders on WMS (best viewed in desktop app)

This must be done before you can add items to the order.

Acquisitions Tab->Orders->Orders->New Order

Fill in the order information as below and save:

Order Name: Same as Trolley/List name
Order Type: Purchase Order
Vendor: Amazon GB
Vendor PO#: (leave blank)
Tax Handling: Tax Item Cost
Comments: (leave blank)

(Amazon is the example, use the vendor that has been purchased from ie. Blackwell's. If the vendor hasn't been ordered from before, refer to the Systems Administrator to add a new vendor to WMS).


Adding items to the order
Search for the item in Discover items
Acquisitions Tab->Discover items

Check the ISBN matches the book ordered from vendor. Sort by Library Count Highest make sure you are picking Print Book, English and always try to pick a record that is says Full and has the highest number of libraries using it.

Check order is correct


Add to Order
To the right of the selected item, click Add to... for a drop-down menu. Select Order
In the dialogue box pop-up search for the Order you created and click Add you will see items count will increase.

If there is more than one of the same item, add a line for each item rather than increasing the quantity on the order line.

Repeat this process until all items are added to the order.


Adding Budget/Fund location etc to orders
Orders->Orders search for the order

Once you have added every item to the Order you will need to add the Budget/Fund, Location, Qty, Unit Price and Shipping Cost - if there is more than 1 item on the order you can add the delivery charge to any item.

When you have added Budget/Fund, Location, Qty and the unit price place the order by clicking Place Order.

Supplier Book Order Processing - for a guide with images go here Amazon and Other Supplier Book Processing.docx (best viewed in desktop app.)

You will need to open the Book Order Spreadsheet so you can add the date that the item was received and complete any receiving actions. 

You will also need a roll of accession number barcodes. 

And you will need to open the invoice which can be found in Sharepoint GM - SAVE AS PRICE, DATE, DESCRIPTION or in Amazon if processing an Amazon order. 

Find the invoice on Sharepoint by using the search function at the top of the screen, type in the title of the book and the item should appear. If the invoice doesn’t appear harvest the invoice from the supplier website, ie. Amazon, ABE Books etc.

Ensure that the file located is the invoice and not the order sheet. The invoice is necessary to get the invoice number for the book processing. 


Checking an Invoice in Acquisitions 
When the invoice has been located, check to see if there are multiple titles on the invoice. If the invoice shows one title go onto the Create a New Invoice in Acquisitions section. 

If there are multiple titles first check to see if the invoice has already been created in the WMS. Do this by navigating to the Invoices section of the left menu bar and then click Invoice 

From here, search for the invoice number from the invoice.

If the number appears in the results list below then the invoice already exists. 

Select the invoice from the results list to check that the item(s) match the invoice from Sharepoint/Supplier site. This is so you can see what has been received and if there are any outstanding items waiting to be received. This will also let you know whether you can complete the Paying the Invoice section or leave the invoice open after you have received the item(s) you have. 

Skip to Adding Items to Invoice section to receive more items onto an existing invoice. 

If there is no invoice created yet, follow the next section. 


Create a New Invoice in Acquisitions 
Before you can add ordered items to an invoice you will need to create the invoice in the WMS. 

  1. From the Receive and Invoice panel click “New Invoice”. A dialogue box will open, fill in the details as exampled in step 2 

  2. Invoice Number: This is the number on the Invoice eg. DS-ASE-INV-GB-2022-44012963 (Amazon), 2710032 (Paper Cavalier)
    Vendor: Type in the name of the vendor and select from the dropdown list that appears ie. Amazon GB
    Invoice Date: This is the date on the invoice you have opened in Sharepoint/Supplier Site displayed in the top right corner. 

  3. Click “Save” 


Adding Items to invoice
Once you have found an existing invoice or you have created an invoice go to Receive & Invoice. 

  1.  Processing Type: Monograph
    Action: Receive & Invoice
    Vendor: Select the correct vendor – in this example, Amazon GB
    Invoice Number: Copy and paste invoice number from the Sharepoint/Supplier Site invoice. Make sure to click on the dropdown suggestion to select the invoice number. Eg. DS-ASE-INV-GB-2022-44012963

  2. Click “View Items” 

  1. Change the Search box to ISBN. In the Search Text box scan or type the ISBN of the item and press enter. The box will populate with a list with the title of the item you have.  

  2. Check or add the following information - (Ensure to do the barcode last!) 
    Classification: make sure this is a number with one (1) point . mark and remove all forward slashesand numbers following the / ie. /345 
    Cutter: type in the first three (3) letters of the lead Author’s Last Name. eg. Jenny RANdles 
    Barcode: This is the Accession Label. Scan or type this into the Barcode field and stick to top or bottom of the inside title page. If it is a DVD leave the Accession Label on its backing paper, and put inside the case for processing by the E&W team.

When the barcode has been entered the item will disappear from the list. For a list of several copies make sure to only put in as many as there physically are from the book order. 

(At this point you can follow the steps for the Receiving Items to the Book Order Spreadsheet (found here) or save this step for the end of the invoicing process.) 

If you have multiple items ready to receive from the same invoice, repeat the above steps for all items you have. 

If there are items left to receive that have not been delivered stop here and go to the Physical Book Processing section. 

If the receive and invoice step is complete go to the next section; Checking and Amending the Invoice 


Nothing is appearing when the ISBN is typed in 

  • Check that the order has been created on the WMS -– if it hasn’t been created, follow the steps on the Creating Order in WMS tab above

  • Check that the book has the same ISBN as the one in the Book Order Spreadsheet
    If different follow the next bullet point

  • Receive against the correct item on WMS by changing the order item. Do this by going to the Orders section and click on One Time Orders. Search for the title and select the correct order name to open the order. Hover the cursor over the blue i icon . Select Change Resource. This will take you to the Discover Items section of the menu. Follow the steps for adding items to orders - check the Creating Order in WMS tab above for instructions
    If the item ISBN can’t be found this way, then receive the item to the ISBN on the Book Order Spreadsheet and follow bullet point below.

  • Make a note of the ISBN on the book and discuss with Librarian about adding this to the metadata

The list populates with other titles to the ISBN and book title being received 

  • Receive the books that you physically have under the correct ISBN and title 

  • If the ISBN for the book also brings up other titles flag this to the Systems Administrator.

There are more/fewer copies in the receiving list than there are physically in the order

  • Check the Order Number to the left of the row. Items from the same order will share the same order number eg. if you have two items on your invoice and two items in the receive list with the same Order Number, receive these items.

The item needs to be un-received
It is easy to get into a muddle with the process. Receiving can be undone and redone as often as needed.

  • Go to Orders section and select One Time Orders. Search for the title of the item. Select the tick box on the right. In the top menu, select the down arrow that is part of the Receive button. In the menu click Un-Receive. In the dialogue box there is a tick box “Keep barcode and call number data in Acquisitions” – select this if you want to receive the item again and keep the accession number and cutter details. If you don’t tick this, the accession number cannot be reused.


Go to the next tab for Checking and Paying the Invoice you have just received to.

Checking and Amending the Invoice - for a guide with images go here Amazon and Other Supplier Book Processing.docx (best viewed in desktop app.)
When the whole order is received the invoice needs to be paid. 

  1. In the Invoices section select Invoices 

  1. Search for the Invoice to which the items have been received, select the invoice number to open the invoice. 

  1. All the items received should appear on the WMS Invoice. The top half will have the invoice information eg. Invoice Number, System Invoice Number etc. And the second half will be a list of all the items received onto the invoice number.

  2. In the second half check the Quantity and Unit Price– make sure that these match the Supplier invoice for each item 
    If shipping needs to be put in, add this to the Shipping column. For multiple item invoices add the full shipping total to just the first item. 

  3. Check the Grand Total matches the Supplier Invoice Total. 


The numbers don’t match. 

  • Look for typing mistakes.

  • Check to see if other information needs to be added, such as a shipping cost. If this does need to be included, add it to the WMS Invoice. The totals should automatically update.

  • Rarely some items will have tax, add this to the Tax column

  • When dealing with a multiple item invoice, add the whole shipping cost to just one item on the list.

  • For one title with multiple quantity the WMS invoice will do the multiplication automatically. Hover the cursor over the number in the Calculated Total column to check to see the calculation it has made. If it doesn't make sense, but all the other numbers are correct edit the total in the Total column. (For more detailed explanation go to the Askews & Holts Book Processing.docx Checking and Amending the Invoice section).

When everything is matched up go to the next section. 


Paying the Invoice 

  1. When the numbers are all correct, go to the top half of the invoice, the Invoice Information section 

  2. Copy and paste the Invoice Number into the Payment Reference ID field (if the number copied across is truncated that is okay)

  3. Copy and paste the System Invoice Number into the External Invoice ID

  4.  Click Pay, located above the Invoice Information section. A dialogue box will appear. Check the information is correct and click Pay again.

  5. If there are any mistakes noticed after pressing “Pay” this is okay, the button above the Invoice Information will change to say “Unpay” 
    Click this and make any amendments necessary and go through the above steps to pay again


Physical Book Processing
Items bought from other suppliers need to be processed in house, this means the items need to be made ready for the shelf with spine labels, library ownership stamps, and loan notices. 

To make sure that the item is processed, add the details to the Amazon Order, Physical Process Spreadsheet.xlsx. This can also be found on the LSA guide under the address Front Desk -> Stock Management -> Amazon Physical Books tab. The link can be found by scrolling down to the section Amazon Order Physical Process Spreadsheet. 

The spreadsheet will need the date of receiving, book ISBN, Accession Number, Title, Classification with Cutter, and Loan Type 

To find these go to the Circulation section of the WMS, and in the Discover Items section, scan the Accession Number into the Barcode field. 

Scan, and/or copy and paste the information into the spreadsheet. 

Finally, put the books onto the shelf labelled Amazon Order Processing in the back office behind the library help desk. 


Receive the Books to the Book Order Spreadsheet
Follow the process now if you did not do it per item during the receiving process above. Receiving Items to the Book Order Spreadsheet

This must be done before items are sent to be shelved as receiving actions can dictate whether items are shelved or not.