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Library Services Assistant Guide

Withdrawn and Intercalating Report

Daily, we receive an automated email from the Planning and Management team which lists students who are withdrawing or intercalating from their current course. Attached to the email is a notepad document that contains the names, student number, course, course code, date of withdrawal/intercalation and reason of withdrawal/intercalation of each withdrawing/intercalating student. 

Regardless of any outstanding loans, students should not be contacted if the reason for withdrawal is deemed sensitive. Reasons include: 

  • Death 
  • Health issues 

Students will also not be contacted if reason for withdrawal if the reasons for withdrawal are any of the below. 

  • Successful completion of course  
  • Transferred Internally  
  • Completed intended credit, but no award  

Postgraduate Students Returning from Intercalating 

If a Postgraduate student comes to the desk and asks why they are not able to loan their books/account has expired - please proceed as below as first instance: 

PhD students must enrol each year, unlike undergraduates who only enrol once.

Quite often PhD students ignore enrolment emails because they don’t think it’s applicable to them but this causes problems all areas, including being withdrawn from their studies.

This is entirely up to you but if you do have students in the future who can’t take books out etc, perhaps direct them to their emails first to see if they have missed an enrolment email.

They assume the fault must lie with paperwork issues when 9/10, it’s because they haven’t enrolled.

(Information provided by PGR Academic Coordinator • Research Directorate - Kerri Stevenson) 


Processing the Withdrawn & Intercalating Report 

  1. Email to be checked daily (or when received). Please ensure to check the Spam inbox if not received. The Notepad document in the email will contain details of all withdrawing and intercalating students.  

  1. Student accounts are reviewed for items on loan and overdue fees and actions taken as per the below flow chart. 

  2. Intercalating students who have books on loan need to be entered on the 'Intercalcating' tab in the Withdrawn & Intercalating spreadsheet. They are entitled to keep their books but we will no longer be waiving their fines. Contact these students using the "W&I - Intercalating Student" macro and prompted to return their books if they are no longer required. 

  3. Withdrawn student information should be entered onto the Withdrawn & Intercalating spreadsheet where they have outstanding charges, outstanding loans, or lost items associated with their account (lost items are treated as outstanding loans).

  4. In instances where Withdrawing students have outstanding charges, these charges will be waived and the total cost added to the W&I spreadsheet when no books are on loan/all books have been returned. Ensure to enter a "Date Account Cleared" date so that the line turns green. 

  5. In instances where Withdrawing Students have outstanding books, they will be contacted using the "W&I - Withdrawing Student" macro and prompted to return their books, at which point all outstanding charges can be waived. The total number of outstanding items should be added to the spreadsheet. 

Top tip: You will need to contact students using both their student email address and personal email address. Personal email addresses can be located on SITs or OASIS via the 'Contact Details' or 'View Contact Details' button at the bottom of the record. 

Maintaining the Withdrawn & Intercalating Spreadsheet 

The Withdrawn & Intercalating spreadsheet must be checked at least monthly to verify whether outstanding items have been returned. The front page of the spreadsheet will tell you what date the next account to be cleared is.

  1. Work through all lines with outstanding items (i.e., all lines which aren't yet highlighted green). Patron accounts will need to be checked in WMS to confirm whether items have been returned. 
  2. Where they have, enter the total number of returned items in the "Books Returned" column. Outstanding charges should not be waived until all items have been returned. Where all items have been returned, the line can be deleted from the spreadsheet. 
  3. Where the "Date Contacted" column is red, it has been three months since the patron has been contacted. At this point, outstanding items can be assumed lost. Mark the items as 'Claimed Lost' on the patron's account by selecting all items and clicking the 'Change Status' button. Waive any remaining charges and add this total to the 'Charges Waived' column on the W&I spreadsheet. Ensure to add an account cleared date so that the line is highlighted green. 
  4. The books that are marked as lost need to have stock suggestion forms made for each, so that the librarians can decide whether to replace them: stock request form