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Course Design Blueprint

A coaching approach to learning, teaching and assessment

A Coaching culture is one which encourages a growth mindset in individuals. Through coaching conversations coachees can develop their sense of self efficacy, awareness and as a result can benefit from:

  • enhanced goal attainment
  • enhanced resilience and wellbeing
  • reduced stress, anxiety or depression
  • improved personal effectiveness
  • increased satisfaction
  • increased engagement. 

The University has developed the Personal Academic Coach model to replace the Personal Tutorial system as a way of providing specific time for coaching conversations with our students, but the ethos of coaching and coaching style conversations can be embedded into learning teaching and assessment activity more broadly. 

The Thinking Environment

A coaching culture is developed and established when team members feel more engaged and able to engage in activities through nurturing and supportive relationships. This is true of course teams but also of the relationships that develop between ourselves and our students, and the relationships we encourage and support between our students.

The principles of Nancy Kline's Thinking Environment is one way in which we can work to develop the confidence and voice of our students, and colleagues in group based activities. In her work Time to Think, 10 components of a thinking environment are presented, Working to establish these in all of our interactions and activities will create a more impactful, successful and encouraging learning environment for all of us, and support the purpose of the PAC.