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Course Design Blueprint

Resource Rich

Course design should take due consideration of the specialist resources required to enable students to fully engage with learning materials, activities (both scheduled and within their personal study time), and assessment tasks.  In particular, course teams ensure that:

  1. Students are able to employ tools and equipment that are contemporary and enables skill development that is suited to current industry or commercial operations where pertinent
  2. Students are able to access resources in support of assessment completion without unreasonable restriction.
  3. Sufficient specialist resources are available in suitable learning spaces to facilitate planned scheduled teaching and practice sessions.
  4. Students are equipped within the curriculum to make safe and effective use of specialist resources needed to complete the course.


Course materials can be presented in a variety of formats and forms.  To encourage active engagement and higher order thinking, the provision of different types of media, often associated with tasks through which the students will engage with these in a particular fashion, will require students to look at content from a variety of angles, points of view, or levels of application.   This will have the double impact of enriching the understanding of some students, whilst enabling those who struggle with particular concepts or ideas to access them multiple times each in a different manner.

Presenting course content

Allowing students to access or review materials as suits their personal or professional context or situation is also a powerful contributor to students' leaning.  For example, providing content that can be reviewed in small chunks (as podcasts or designed for exploration on a mobile device) can allow students to fit learning activity into the small spaces or gaps in their daily lives, or to reference and reflect on materials while in placement or work-based settings.