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CELT Newsletters

CELT Newsletter December 2022

Welcome to the CELT newsletter for December 2022. In this update we include information on Access and Participation planning for 2024/5 - 2027/8 as well as updates from the Learning Design team in relation to Brightspace and our new platform, Panopto. 

Access and Participation planning

In the January we will begin work on our new Access and Participation Plan which will cover academic years 2024/25 - 2027/28. While we are yet to receive full guidance from the OFS, we can expect areas of focus to be in line with four new priority areas already identified by OFS for variations to our activity in 2023/24. These are:

  1. Make APPs accessible for prospective and current students and their parents / other stakeholders.

  1. Develop and enhance partnerships with schools and other local / national organisations to help raise pre-16 attainment of young people from underrepresented groups.

  1. Set out how access to HE for students from underrepresented groups, leads to successful participation on high quality and good graduate outcomes.

  1. Seek to develop more diverse pathways into and through HE through expansion of L4 and L5 courses and degree apprenticeships. 

Read our current accessible summary, variations for 2023/24 and existing plan. 

As part of our plan we will be asked to produce our equity of opportunity risk register aligned to one produced at a national level by the OFS, define a set of outcomes, design and cost a series of interventions and increase our investment in research and evaluation activity – ensuring publication of and contribution to the national APP Agenda.  

As always, the development and work in relation to our APP is a whole University activity, and we would like to invite you to join us for an initial briefing about the plan, and to then sign up to a series of workshops where we will explore data and identify possible interventions, research and evaluation. Please sign up using the links below. 

Learning and Teaching - APP Briefing - what are the expectations for the new plan, and what does our data tell us? 

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

SOFiA - module feedback

SOFiA (Suffolk Online Feedback in Action) now supports formalised module feedback. Ipswich-based students have access to this form via their module homepages in Brightspace; the link is located in a widget called Quicklinks for Students. The module feedback form in SOFiA matches questions students are asked in the NSS and which are used as measures of student academic experience in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). The questions asked are: 

How satisfied are you with (scaled from extremely dissatisfied to extremely satisfied): 

  • The teaching of this module
  • The assessment and feedback of this module
  • The academic support of this module
  • The learning resources of this module
  • The organisation and management of this module

You can find out more about SOFiA online - and speak to your Student Experience Ambassador further information about module feedback. 


As we continue with our Panopto roll out, we want to thank everyone who has started using the platform. Your feedback and help in identifying issues helped us to improve this over the past few weeks. From January 2023, you will be able to use Panopto in your Brightspace module, and through the Panopto app (available to download in the software centre). 

  • Staff can access Panopto within the module via the navbar, Insert Stuff and External Learning Tool and the Panopto app. Learn how to set these up
  • Students can only access Panopto via an inserted video or the external learning tool. 

Why Panopto?

With Panopto we have access to increased accessibility tools and features to support your students, and these require very little extra work to set up. The tools include:

  • automated captioning and ability to edit captions
  • note-taking directly within the recording
  • manual addition of audio-descriptions within having to audio-describe an entire recording
  • instant conversion of a lecture into an audio-only podcast
  • switch between multiple camera feeds or screens easily during a live session. 

Need support?

You can access a workshop on setting up and using Panopto and access guides and resources. The workshop is offered live in one of the teaching rooms, so you can practice using the tool in the same environment you will be teaching in. The Learning Design team welcomes any feedback or information about issues encountered. You can either contact your Learning Designer or email Learning Services to share your experiences. 

and Bongo?

Bongo Virtual Classroom will remain a part of our learning technology suite until the end of this academic year. 

Brightspace updates

An updated quiz experience

The quiz tool is now being updated to mirror your assessment layout. This tool will be available for you to use from early December.

Once this feature is deployed, you will receive a message when you start to edit a quiz. You will have the option to try the new editing experience by selecting 'Leave it on' in the banner notification. If you’d rather stay with the classic view, you will have the option to turn the new quiz experience off.

This feature will be turned on by default for all users from July 2023.

Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated

Another key quiz update is the improved method of calculating standard deviation, which changes from sample standard deviation to population standard deviation. This update will ensure your quiz statistics are more correct.

Amending rubrics

If you use custom rubrics for your assessments as part of your strategy to clarify your marking and feedback, you will now be able to make edits to these after they have been used to assess work.

This feature is released only to academic staff; academic administrators will not be able to edit rubrics after the rubric was used to assess work. You will not be able to make structural changes to the rubric, such as adding evaluation levels or criteria, editing points or adding learning outcomes if the rubric has already been used to assess work.

We would strongly urge that you use this feature to edit spelling errors, clarify working and other minor changes that do not impact the academic integrity of the rubric.

This improves your previous experience of having to remove and re-create a rubric from scratch when you wanted to correct minor errors in your rubrics after assessing.

Personalising notifications

Your students can now choose what notifications they want to receive in Pulse, the mobile Brightspace app. They can now choose which items they want to receive notifications for and can choose to receive these via text or email. Students are aware of this change.

personalise pulse notifications


For those of you using awards in your modules, your students will now be able to share these directly from the Awards tool using a public URL. Students and staff will be able to share an award to a digital CV or social media profile, such as LinkedIn.

To share an award using a public URL, a learner can navigate to the My Awards page, select the desired award, click the Share link, and then click Create Link. 

Learning technologies - Slido

For Slido users, you can now embed your Slido links in your PowerPoints using the Slido plugin. You can download the Slido plugin via the Software Centre from mid-December. This was previously not available due to an authentication issue.

Please note: to use this plugin, you will need an active account in Slido first. To request an account, please contact your Learning Designer or