Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. (Print copy) by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) StaffACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription is the flagship title from the American College of Sports Medicine, the prestigious organization that sets the standards for the exercise profession. This critical handbook delivers scientifically based standards on exercise testing and prescription to the certification candidate, the professional, and the student. This manual gives succinct summaries of recommended procedures for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and diseased patients The tenth edition reflects some crucial and exciting changes, making the content necessary for effective study and practice. New pre-exercise health screening recommendations are critical to helping more of the population begin a safe, healthy physical activity program without consulting a physician. New and expanded information on the risks of sedentary behavior, clinical exercise testing and interpretation, high intensity interval training, musculoskeletal injury risk, fitness testing protocols and norms, and an expansion of the principles of health behavior change are included. Additionally, significant reorganization of content will help you reach the information you need quickly. This manual is an essential resource for all exercise professionals, as well as other health professionals who may council patients on exercise including physicians, nurses, physician's assistants, physical and occupational therapists, dieticians, and health care administrators.
Call Number: 615.82
ISBN: 9781496339072
Publication Date: 2017-02-09
Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription-7th Edition with Online Video by Vivian Heyward; Ann L. Gibson; Vivian H. HeywardAdvanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Seventh Edition With Online Video, provides a comprehensive approach to physical fitness appraisal and exercise prescription. The text bridges the gap between research and practice and synthesizes concepts and theories from exercise physiology, kinesiology, measurement, psychology, and nutrition to provide a clearly defined approach to physical fitness testing and the design of individualized exercise programs. The accompanying online videos enhance the learning experience and teach the techniques necessary for conducting fitness testing and program design. More than 40 clips featuring common exercise assessments will help users learn essentials of fitness testing, such as calibration of blood pressure cuffs, functional movement assessment, and push-up and pull-up testing. Unlike introductory texts, which typically focus on field testing for evaluating physical fitness, this text includes both field and laboratory assessment techniques. Readers will find the latest information on maximal and submaximal graded exercise testing in healthy populations, muscular fitness testing protocols and norms for children and adults, and field tests and norms for evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, flexibility, and balance. The seventh edition of Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription reflects current guidelines and recommendations, including new physical activity recommendations from the U.S. government, American Heart Association, and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), as well as the latest ACSM guidelines for medical exam and exercise testing requirements before beginning exercise programs. Additional updates to the seventh edition include the following: - New research substantiating the link between physical activity and disease risk - Expanded information on prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, and overweight and obesity, including updated statistics on the global prevalence of obesity - New dietary guidelines for Americans, including information on MyPlate - Inclusion of SCORE system to estimate 10-year risk of fatal cardiac event due to atherosclerosis - Expanded information on the use of technology to monitor physical activity - Updated information on the use of exergaming and social networking to promote physical activity and exercise - Additional OMNI pictorial scales for ratings of perceived exertion during exercise - Latest ACSM FITT-VP principle for designing aerobic exercise programs - Whole-body vibration as an adjunct to resistance training and flexibility training Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Seventh Edition, is organized around physical fitness components, providing information on assessment followed by guidelines for designing exercise programs to improve each fitness component. The text begins with an overview of physical activity, health, and chronic disease, followed by discussion of preliminary health screening and risk classification, including the principles of fitness assessment, exercise prescription, and exercise program design. The remainder of the text provides in-depth coverage of assessment and exercise prescription for each of five physical fitness components: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness (strength, endurance, and power), body composition, flexibility, and balance. In each chapter, key questions help readers focus on essential information. Key points, review questions, and key terms reinforce concepts and summarize chapter content. An instructor guide, test package, chapter quizzes, and presentation package plus image bank provide tools for lecture preparation, creative content delivery, and class assessment. New to the seventh edition are online video clips for both students and instructors to further a
Call Number: 613.7
ISBN: 9781450466004
Publication Date: 2014-05-01
Physiology of Sport and Exercise by W. Larry Kenney; Jack Wilmore; David CostillThe leading textbook for undergraduate exercise physiology courses, Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Fifth Edition With Web Study Guide, has been fully updated in both content and design. The authors, all distinguished researchers and past presidents of the American College of Sports Medicine, combine their expertise to deliver superior technical content while maintaining the accessible, reader-friendly format that has made this textbook a favorite of instructors and students alike. The fifth edition has been redesigned to enhance its visual appeal and provide students with an improved learning experience. Completely revamped photos, illustrations, and medical artwork offer a higher level of detail and clarity to better illustrate how the body performs and responds to physical activity. The text has been carefully designed to reinforce the impact of the new artwork, thereby facilitating students' comprehension of the topics covered. In addition to the improved artwork, Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Fifth Edition, features new and updated content based on the latest research in the field, including the following: - A complete rewrite of the chapters on resistance training, including updated strength training principles based on the 2009 ACSM position stand and new sections on core strength, stability training, and high-intensity interval training (HIT) - A full update and reorganization, based on instructors' feedback, of the chapters on metabolism and hormonal control to aid students' comprehension of these complex systems - New content on lactic acid as a fuel source, muscle cramps, childhood obesity, substrate utilization and endocrine response to exercise, and vascular aging - Updated coverage of central and peripheral cardiac functions, the female athlete triad, and the menstrual cycle - New research on effects of physical activity on health, including the addition of international data on the incidence of cardiovascular disease and obesity Ease of reading and understanding has been the cornerstone of this popular text. The fifth edition of Physiology of Sport and Exercise continues to offer comprehensive coverage of the complex relationship between human physiology and exercise while maintaining an engaging and student-friendly tone. Unique learning features allow students to build their knowledge as they discover the depth and breadth of this fascinating field of study. The book's accessible layout, including chapter-opening outlines and review boxes found throughout each chapter, will help students focus on the major concepts addressed. Study questions and a list of key terms at the end of the chapter increase students' opportunities for recall and self-testing. A comprehensive glossary and lists of common abbreviations and conversions provide easy reference for students as they complete labs and assignments. To facilitate a more integrated learning experience, both students and instructors can take advantage of the web-based ancillaries that accompany the fifth edition of Physiology of Sport and Exercise. The web study guide offers new learning activities that complement each chapter in the book, and study guide reminders prompt students when to access the study guide to practice, review, and develop their understanding of chapter concepts. Students can also use the guide's dynamic and interactive learning activities to expand learning beyond a typical lab situation. Key concepts are reinforced as students conduct self-made experiments and record their own physiological responses to exercise. In addition, the study guide offers access links to scientific and professional journals as well as organization and career information. One convenient web address gives instructors access to an updated instructor guide, presentation package, image bank, and test package. The pr
Introduction to the Human Body, 10th edn. (Print copy) by Gerard J. Tortora; Bryan H. DerricksonIntroduction to the Human Body 10th Edition offers a balanced introduction to the human body, especially developed to meet the needs of the one-semester A&P course. It provides an effective blend of stunning art and clearly written text to illuminate the complexities of the human body. Class-tested pedagogy is woven into the narrative and illustrations to ensure that students gain a solid understanding of the material.
Athletic Ability and the Anatomy of Motion by Rolf Wirhed; Gamil Gabra (Illustrator); A M Hermansson (Translator)This book serves as a bridge between biomechanics and the practice of sport. By providing a detailed analysis of movement, it helps readers understand the important factors for maximizing performance. Valuable coverage is provided on the general characteristics of bones, joints, and muscles, as well as guidelines for flexibility and strength training that provide a firm theoretical framework for effective training. From this basis, the book explores the anatomy function of different parts of the body and examines the types of movement important in sports activities. The book's unique approach features a rigorous application of biomechanics to sport training. Mechanics are related to the use of muscles in specific sports. Coverage is both theoretical and practical, making the book useful both for academic study and as a training aid. Highly illustrated format helps readers understand key concepts and important details. Fully updated content provides the latest knowledge on the subject. New illustrations and new, engaging text layout draw the reader in and bring important concepts to life. Additional coverage has been added on several topics, including strength training.
Call Number: 612.044
ISBN: 0723433860
Publication Date: 2006-06-21
Book Catalogue
This link takes you to the Catalogue for books in the West Suffolk College Library
Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology (Print copy) by Roger Eston (Editor); Thomas ReillyKinanthropometry is the study of human body size, shape and form and how those characteristics relate to human movement and sporting performance. In this fully updated and revised edition of the classic guide to kinanthropometric theory and practice, leading international sport and exercise scientists offer a clear and comprehensive introduction to essential principles and techniques. Each chapter guides the reader through the planning and conduct of practical and laboratory sessions and includes a survey of current theory and contemporary literature relating to that topic. The book is fully illustrated and includes worked examples, exercises, research data, chapter summaries and guides to further reading throughout. Volume One: Anthropometry covers key topics such as: body composition, proportion, and growth evaluating posture, flexibility and range of motion children's physiology, maturation and sport performance field work statistical methods for kinesiology and sport accurate scaling of data for sport and exercise sciences. The Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual is essential reading for all serious students and researchers working in sport and exercise science, kinesiology and human movement. Roger Eston is Professor ofnbsp;Human Physiology and Head of the School of Sport andnbsp;Health Sciences atnbsp;the University of Exeter. Thomas Reilly is Professor of Sports Science and Director of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University.
An Introduction to Sports Coaching by Robyn L. Jones (Editor); Kieran Kingston (Editor)An Introduction to Sports Coachingprovides students with an accessible and engaging guide to the scientific, social scientific, medical and pedagogical theory that underlies the practice of quality sports coaching. Now in a fully updated and revised second edition, it introduces students to the complex, messy, multi-faceted nature of coaching, and explores the full range of 'knowledges' which inform all successful coaching practice. Written by a team of leading international sports coaching academics and practitioners, as well as sport scientists and social scientists, the book provides a concise guide to every key theme in sports coaching, including: Reflective practice Pedagogy Skill acquisition Psychology Biomechanics Physiology Sport medicine and injury Performance analysis Sociology History Philosophy Sport development Each chapter makes a clear link between theory and practice, and includes discussion of real-life coaching scenarios and insights from practising international and club coaches. The book includes clear definitions of important themes and concepts, as well as seminar and review questions in each chapter designed to confirm understanding and encourage further enquiry. No other introductory textbook explains the importance of an holistic approach to sports coaching practice. This is an essential companion to any sports coaching course.
Call Number: 796.077
ISBN: 9780415694919
Publication Date: 2013-04-17
An Introduction to Sports Coaching. (E-book) by Robyn L. Jones (Editor); Kieran Kingston (Editor)An Introduction to Sports Coaching provides students with an accessible and engaging guide to the scientific, social scientific, medical and pedagogical theory that underlies the practice of quality sports coaching. Now in a fully updated and revised second edition, it introduces students to the complex, messy, multi-faceted nature of coaching, and explores the full range of 'knowledges' which inform all successful coaching practice. Written by a team of leading international sports coaching academics and practitioners, as well as sport scientists and social scientists, the book provides a concise guide to every key theme in sports coaching, including: Reflective practice Pedagogy Skill acquisition Psychology Biomechanics Physiology Sport medicine and injury Performance analysis Sociology History Philosophy Sport development Each chapter makes a clear link between theory and practice, and includes discussion of real-life coaching scenarios and insights from practising international and club coaches. The book includes clear definitions of important themes and concepts, as well as seminar and review questions in each chapter designed to confirm understanding and encourage further enquiry. No other introductory textbook explains the importance of an holistic approach to sports coaching practice. This is an essential companion to any sports coaching course.
Call Number: ONLINE
ISBN: 9780415694919
Publication Date: 2013-04-17
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 11th edn. (Print copy) by Frederic H. Martini; Judi L. Nath; Edwin F. BartholomewFor two-semester A&P Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology helps students succeed in the challenging A&P course with an easy-to-understand narrative, precise visuals, and steadfast accuracy. Every chapter of the Tenth Edition includes one- and two-page Spotlight Figures that seamlessly integrate text and visuals to guide students through complex topics and processes. These highly visual presentations incorporate, for select topics, the visual approach that the same author team created in their Visual Anatomy & Physiology book. New Clinical Cases open every chapter and get students thinking about the chapter content in the context of a personal compelling patient story. This program presents a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It provides: *Text-art Integration: The popular one- and two-page Spotlight Figures and other figure types seamlessly integrate text and visuals to guide students through complex topics and processes. Students study the Spotlight Figures in the book, and then instructors can assign them in MasteringA&P. *Story-based Clinical Content: Motivate students for their future careers with the new Clinical Cases.Students read the Clinical Cases in the book, and then instructors can assign them, which are also assignable in MasteringA&P. *Time-saving Navigation and Study Tools: Enable students to better navigate difficult A&P topics
Anatomy and Physiology Made Incredibly Visual! by Janyce G. Dyer (Editor); Springhouse Publishing Company Staff; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins StaffPublisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual is an innovative new reference that brings clinical subjects to life using a vivid, graphic presentation. Like the Incredibly Easy series, the Incredibly Visual series takes difficult clinical topics and presents them in a clear, concise, easy-to-understand manner. The highly visual nature of this book makes anatomy and physiology fundamentals accessible to the reader in a unique and interesting way that enables quick review and comprehension as well as practical application. For each body system, the book logically first presents anatomic fundamentals necessary to understand the complex physiology of the body. Then physiologic processes are presented more visually than ever before. This new approach to clinical content maximizes the power of visual thinking by getting readers as close to the clinical content as they can get without actually being in the room with a patient. Complex ideas are broken down into their component parts, with each component made unmistakably simple in appealingly colorful and graphic ways. Readers will read less, understand more, and see things more clearly than ever before. A companion website is available with fully-searchable text.
Call Number: 612
ISBN: 9781451191387
Publication Date: 2014-01-01
Skill Acquisition in Sport by Mark A. Williams (Editor); Nicola Hodges (Editor)Success in sport depends upon the athlete's ability to develop and perfect a specific set of perceptual, cognitive and motor skills. Now in a fully revised and updated new edition, Skill Acquisition in Sportexamines how we learn such skills and, in particular, considers the crucial role of practice and instruction in the skill acquisition process. Containing thirteen completely new chapters, and engaging with the significant advances in neurophysiological techniques that have profoundly shaped our understanding of motor control and development, the book provides a comprehensive review of current research and theory on skill acquisition. Leading international experts explore key topics such as: attentional focus augmented Feedback observational practice and learning implicit motor learning mental imagery training physical guidance motivation and motor learning neurophysiology development of skill joint action. Throughout, the book addresses the implications of current research for instruction and practice in sport, making explicit connections between core science and sporting performance. No other book covers this fundamental topic in such breadth or depth, making this book important reading for any student, scholar or practitioner working in sport science, cognitive science, kinesiology, clinical and rehabilitation sciences, neurophysiology, psychology, ergonomics or robotics.
Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines - Sport Testing by Paul D. Bromley (Editor); R. C. Richard Davison (Editor); Andrew M. Jones (Editor); Tom H. Mercer (Editor); Edward M. Winter (Editor)Sport and exercise physiologists are called upon to carry out physiological assessments that have proven validity and reliability, both in sport-specific and health-related contexts. A wide variety of test protocols have been developed and refined. This book is a comprehensive guide to these protocols and to the key issues relating to physiological testing. Volume I covers sport-specific testing, and Volume II covers clinical and exercise specific testing. With contributions from leading specialist sport, exercise and clincial physiologists, and covering a wide range of mainstream sports, special populations, and ethical, practical and methodological issues, these volumes represent an essential resource for sport-specific and clinical exercise testing in both research and applied settings. Visit the companion website at